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The Raven Cycle Series by Maggie Stiefvater

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Maggie Stiefvater’s young adult fantasy series The Raven Cycle is an enchanting story full of magic, mystery, and romance. It follows Blue Sargent, who comes from a family of clairvoyants, as she gets pulled into the mystical quest led by the prestigious Raven Boys from Aglionby Academy. The first book, The Raven Boys, introduces the key characters – the charismatic Gansey, the brooding Ronan Lynch, and Blue’s true love Adam Parrish, as they join forces to hunt for the burial site of the mythical Welsh king Glendower. 

With its blend of paranormal fantasy, captivating characters, suspenseful adventures, and touches of romance, The Raven Cycle is a truly unforgettable reading experience for YA fans.

See also: Dark Fantasy Books with Romance.

The Raven Cycle Books in Order

  1. A Very Declan Christmas (Novella) (2018)
  2. 300 Fox Way Holiday Piece (Novella) (2014)
  3. A Minor Raven Boys Holiday Drabble (Novella) (2015)
  4. The Raven Boys (2012)
  5. The Dream Thieves (2013)
  6. Blue Lily, Lily Blue (2014)
  7. The Raven King (2016)
  8. Opal (Novella) (2018)

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  • “The Scorpio Races” by Maggie Stiefvater – A thrilling and atmospheric novel about a dangerous race on the mythical island of Thisby, where riders risk their lives for victory.

See also: Holly Black’s Cruel Prince Series in Order.

Most Recommended Books

  1. Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle, #6) (4.26 Goodreads score)
  2. The Raven King (The Raven Cycle, #4) (4.26 Goodreads score)
  3. The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #5) (4.23 Goodreads score)
  4. Opal (The Raven Cycle, #8) (4.13 Goodreads score)
  5. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #4) (4.05 Goodreads score)


In 2012, Maggie Stiefvater’s book The Scorpio Races received the Michael L. Printz Award Honor, and in 2013, her book The Dream Thieves won the Detcon1 Member Choice Award for Young Adult Fiction.

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Book Summaries

A Very Declan Christmas

"A Very Declan Christmas" is a short story that can be found on the author's website.

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300 Fox Way Holiday Piece

"300 Fox Way Holiday Piece" is a bonus scene from the Raven Cycle series. Set during the Christmas holidays, the scene takes place at 300 Fox Way and offers a glimpse into the characters' lives during this festive time.

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A Minor Raven Boys Holiday Drabble

"A Minor Raven Boys Holiday Drabble is set in December right before The Raven Boys story starts. Gansey realizes that he must take action regarding Ronan Lynch before Ronan causes trouble for himself. Christmas is a risky time for someone who is struggling, as the pressure of tradition and history can easily overwhelm them.

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The Raven Boys

"The Raven Boys" is a story about Blue Sargent, who has always stood beside her clairvoyant mother as the spirits of the soon-to-be dead pass by. This year, Blue finally sees a spirit for the first time, a boy named Gansey. Gansey is a wealthy student at Aglionby, the local private school, and is part of a group known as the Raven Boys, who are known for causing trouble. Despite her reservations, Blue finds herself drawn to Gansey and becomes entangled in the mysterious world of the Raven Boys. As her life becomes more intertwined with theirs, Blue begins to question her beliefs about true love and the consequences it may bring.

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The Dream Thieves

"The Dream Thieves" is a thrilling paranormal adventure about Ronan Lynch, a boy with a special ability to bring things out of his dreams. Ronan is part of a group of friends who are searching for a hidden king named Glendower. As they uncover secrets and face unexpected challenges, their lives are forever changed.

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Blue Lily, Lily Blue

Blue Sargent has finally found a group of friends she can trust and belong to, The Raven Boys. Their problems have become hers and vice versa. However, the challenge with finding things is that they can easily be lost. Friends can betray, mothers can disappear, and visions can mislead. In this highly praised sequel to The Dream Thieves, the web of magical intrigue and heart-stopping action becomes even more complex, captivating readers at every twist and turn.

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The Raven King

The story follows Blue, who has always been told that she will bring death to her true love. Despite her disbelief in true love, her life becomes entangled with the mysterious Raven Boys, and she begins to question everything. With a glowing review from Kirkus Reviews, this unique series is sure to end with a bang.

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"Opal" continues the story of Opal, Ronan, and Adam from her popular Raven Cycle series. The story is set after the events of The Raven King.

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