Book Order by Series

Ice Planet Barbarians Books in Order

Ice Planet Barbarians Books in order 

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Ruby Dixon’s Ice Planet Barbarians is a series of SF extraterrestrial romance novels. They are set on the planet Not-Hoth and feature members of the sa-khui race. The series has 30 novels and novellas.

The series was first self-published in 2015. After its viral success in 2021, it was published in print by Berkley. The new version has new exclusive content.

The main idea behind the books is that a group of human women is taken from Earth. They are then sold on the intergalactic market by a bunch of aliens. Their ship crashes on a frigid planet the women call “Not-Hoth’. Here, they are discovered by the sa-khui, a local sentient creatures tribe. They have no way of returning the women home because sa-khui society is backward. As a result, each newcomer is given a parasite called a “khui”. They not only help them survive the severe surroundings but also attract them to their most compatible lovers.

Every one of these books, novels, and novellas follows a new couple. They are jam-packed with wit, emotion, and plenty of spicy scenes. In terms of development and environment, each narrative builds on the previous one. Each one comes to a happy-for-now conclusion. The reader gets informal updates on the lives of spouses from earlier volumes. The series follows a close-knit community of characters.

Ice Planet Barbarians Books in order 

Ice Planet Barbarians

  1. Ice Planet Barbarians (2015)
  2. Barbarian Alien (2015)
  3. Barbarian Lover (2015)
  4. Barbarian Mine (2015)
  5. Ice Planet Holiday (2015)
  6. Barbarian’s Prize (2016)
  7. Barbarian’s Mate (2016)
  8. Barbarian’s Touch (2016)
  9. Barbarian’s Taming (2016)
  10. Barbarian’s Heart (2016)
  11. Barbarian’s Hope (2016)
  12. Barbarian’s Choice (2016)
  13. Barbarian’s Redemption (2017)
  14. Barbarian’s Lady (2017)
  15. Barbarian’s Rescue (2017)
  16. Barbarian’s Tease (2017)
  17. The Barbarian Before Christmas (2017)
  18. Barbarian’s Beloved (2018)
  19. Barbarian’s Valentine (2019)
  20. Barbarian’s Seduction (2019)
  21. Barbarian’s Treasure (2020)
  22. Barbarian’s Bride (2021)
  23. Vektal and Georgie (2019)
  24. Raahosh & Liz (2019)
  25. Aehako & Kira (2020)
  26. Rukh & Harlow (2021)

Slice of Life

  1. Having the Barbarian’s Baby (2016)
  2. Ice Ice Babies (2016)
  3. Calm (2016)
  4. Aftershocks (2016)
  5. Slices of Life (2016)
  6. Prison Planet Barbarian (2017)

Similar authors

  • Zorn Warriors by Laurann Dohner follows Ariel, kidnapped by the Anzon aliens. She becomes the prize in a brutal fight between vicious-looking creatures.
  • Stolen by an Alien by Amanda Milo focuses on the romantic relationship between Angie and Arokh, an alien.

See also: L.J. Shen Books in Order.

Most recommended books of the series

  1. Barbarian’s Bride (Ice Planet Barbarians, #20) (4.14 Goodreads score)
  2. Barbarian’s Choice (Ice Planet Barbarians, #12) (4.13 Goodreads score)
  3. Barbarian’s Bride (Ice Planet Barbarians, #20) (4.10 Goodreads score)
  4. Barbarian’s Taming (Ice Planet Barbarians, #9) (4.10 Goodreads score)
  5. Barbarian’s Seduction (Ice Planet Barbarians, #18) (4.10 Goodreads score)

Latest releases in the series

The Ice Planet Barbarians series is complete, with Barbarian’s Bride being the last book in the series published in 2021.

Book summaries

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Ice Planet Barbarians (2015)

You’d think being abducted by aliens would be the worst thing that could happen to me. And you’d be wrong. Because now, the aliens are having ship trouble, and they’ve left their cargo of human women – including me – on an ice planet.And the only native inhabitant I’ve met? He’s big, horned, blue, and really, really has a thing for me…

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Barbarian Alien (2015)

Twelve humans are left stranded on a wintry alien planet. I’m one of them. Yay, me.In order to survive, we have to take on a symbiont that wants to rewire our bodies to live in this brutal place. I like to call it a cootie. And my cootie’s a jerk, because it also thinks I’m the mate to the biggest, surliest alien of the group.

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Barbarian Lover (2015)

As one of the few humans stranded on the ice planet, I should be happy that I have a new home. Human women are treasured here, and one alien in particular has made it clear that he wants me. It’s hard to push away the sexy, flirtatious Aehako, when all I want to do is grab him by his horns and insist he take me to his furs.But I’ve got a terrible secret – the aliens who abducted me are back, and thanks to the translator in my ear, they can find me. My presence here endangers everyone…but can I give up my new life and the man I want more than anything?

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Barbarian Mine (2015)

The ice planet has given me a second lease on life, so I’m thrilled to be here. Sure, there’s no cheeseburgers, but I’m healthy and ready to be a productive member of the small tribe. What I didn’t anticipate? That there’d be a savage stranger waiting nearby, watching me. And when he takes me captive, the unthinkable happens…I resonate to him.Resonance means mating, and children…but I don’t know if this guy’s ever been around anyone before. He’s truly a barbarian in all ways, right down to clubbing me over the head and claiming me as his own.So why is it that I crave his touch and hunger for more?

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Ice Planet Holiday (2015)

All this snow and no holidays? What’s a stranded human to do?Create a new holiday, of course. Georgie and the other women decide to bring some new traditions and cheer to the sa-khui. More babies are born, presents are exchanged, and a new romance blossoms between a human woman desperate for a change, and the alien determined to protect her.

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Barbarian’s Prize (2016)

It’s hard being the most popular girl on the ice planet. The alien men are falling all over themselves to impress me in the hopes that I’ll take them to my furs. But they don’t know my secrets – none of them do. And they don’t realize that behind my smile, I just wish they’d go away.I don’t want any of them. I want someone else – someone with a gorgeous blue body, big horns, and the most intense gaze ever. He’s the only one that knows the truth. Maybe with him, I can work through my fears of the past….but I’m pretty sure he wants more than just friendship.He wants forever, and I’m not sure I can give it.

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Barbarian’s Mate (2016)

Resonance’ is supposed to be a dream – that’s when your soulmate is chosen for you. And everyone on the ice planet has hooked up with a big, hunky soulmate of their own…except me. So do I want a mate? Heck yeah. More than anything, all I’ve ever wanted is to be loved by someone.Except that the soulmate chosen for me? My least favorite person on the darn ice planet. Haeden’s the most cranky, disapproving, unpleasant, overbearing male alien…so why is it that my body sings when he gets close? Why is he working so hard to prove to me that he’s not as awful as I think he is?I hate him…don’t I?

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Barbarian’s Touch (2016)

When I wake up on the ice planet, I’m scared of everything: this place is cold, silent, and the locals look more like blue devils than aliens. To make matters worse, one of the strangers decides I’m going to be his girlfriend and kidnaps me away from my sister. I’m completely and utterly alone. What’s a girl to do?Well, this girl escapes. Of course, that means I go from frying pan into the fire, and my situation gets even more dangerous. Just when I have no hope left, a new hero appears. Sure, he’s blue, horned, and has a tail. He’s also fierce, protective, makes me purr…and thinks I’m perfect.But is what we have real or just a mating instinct?

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Barbarian’s Taming (2016)

As a newcomer to the alien tribe, I’ve struggled to find my place. It might be because I’m a tad headstrong at times. And yes, I might have thrown a few things at people’s heads. But I had a good reason to pitch a fit – my shy sister was stolen away right under my nose. Of course, now she’s back and mated. Everyone’s happy…except me.I need…affection.Attention.Okay, I’m lonely. Really lonely.Strangely enough, the only person that I think understands what I’m going through is the same blue-skinned brute that stole my sister. It’s wrong to hook up with him, even as a mindless fling.Except…I’m not so good with the whole ‘rules’ thing.And he’s not so great with the ‘fling’ thing.

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Barbarian’s Heart (2016)

I’ve never spent a day without my mate since arriving on the ice planet. I’m happy and in love, and we have a beautiful child together. All that changed when the world shook.My mate nearly died.He wakes up from his coma…and he can’t remember me. Or our son. Every memory of the past two years is gone. And that changes everything between us. How can I love someone that doesn’t remember me?How can I not, when I know he’s still my mate underneath it all?

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Barbarian’s Hope (2016)

Seasons ago, I resonated to the quietest of tribesmates, a male content to love me from afar while I was the center of attention. We could have been happy. Despite our differences, I loved him and he loved me.But then a terrible thing happened…and my world was never the same again.Now resonance is giving us a second chance, but…I’m afraid. What if what I have with my mate is too broken to be fixed? What if there’s no hope left for us at all?

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Barbarian’s Choice (2016)

I might be the only unmated female in my tribe, but it doesn’t mean I’ve given my heart. I’m waiting. I want resonance, and I won’t settle for anything less. 
But when an alien ship lands and a handsome stranger steps out, I know he’s the one. His name’s Mardok and he’s fascinatingly different – and distractingly appealing. But Mardok can’t stay on the ice planet, and he says he can take me with him. 
Now, I must make a choice. Do I stay and lose my mate forever? Or do I follow him to the stars and leave behind everything I know?

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Barbarian’s Redemption (2017)

For seasons, I have waited for her – my perfect mate.In a tribe full of happy couples, I am alone. But I am not content to remain this way. There are no eligible unmated females left, so I will do whatever it takes to bring females back to our tribe…even if it means doing something wrong. Even if it means I must purchase my mate on the intergalactic black market. I will do anything to possess her, to claim her as my own. But will my ruthless move turn my female against me before we ever meet? Can she ever forgive a male that bought her freedom?

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Barbarian’s Lady (2017)

One guy in particular – the alien Harrec – is determined to embarrass me by pretending he’s interested. He’s a jokester that flirts like mad and hits on me constantly just to make me feel foolish. He gets under my skin. He makes me so frustrated I want to scream.When a side-trip to a glacier turns into a nightmare and the two of us are forced to survive alone, I see another side to the enticing blue alien. Even with no one else around, his compliments keep coming and I start wondering if the attraction between us…is real.

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Barbarian’s Rescue (2017)

Bad day? Try mine on for size.Rogue slavers have landed on the ice planet and captured the tribe. The only ones not snatched? Me, a walking human motormouth with no skill except that of incoherent babbling, and Warrek, who’s as silent as he is attractive. Two more unlikely people have never been paired together.And now we’re supposed to form a rescue team.Saving the others is either going to bring us closer together – or drive us completely apart. I’m pretty sure the feelings I’m having for my alien companion are as unrequited as they are inappropriate, but since we aren’t going to make it out alive, what harm is one teeny, tiny kiss?Who knew that one kiss could change everything?

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Barbarian’s Tease (2017)

It should have been a one-night stand.I never intended to seduce Taushen, but things happened. I don’t dwell on the past and while it was great, I’m not looking for a relationship. Of course, try telling that to Taushen. The big blue alien’s in love after one night, and it’s making things darn awkward. We’ve got bigger problems than whether or not I’m his woman, like the ‘cargo’ of the space ship that landed here.But Taushen’s not giving up. He thinks I’m his mate.And he’ll do anything to keep me.

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The Barbarian Before Christmas (2017)

The growing barbarian tribe is about to celebrate No-Poison Day – a time of love, laughter, and gifts. But all Elly wants is for her mate to be at her side before the brutal season arrives. All Bek wants is a way to quickly return to his female despite the mountains between them. Thanks to the talents of a newcomer…they’re both about to get their wish and celebrate the happiest of holidays together.

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Barbarian’s Beloved (2018)

My tribesmates don’t understand her. The other humans think she’s weak. But no one knows my mate like I do. They don’t see her gentle heart or her brave spirit. I know why she struggles. I know how strong she is. And I know I’ll do anything to make her smile.But can I convince her that she can be happy in this strange new world with me?

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Barbarian’s Valentine (2019)

Maddie’s mate is returning soon, and she wants to make his homecoming a special one. Pregnant Josie wants to seduce her mate all over again. The solution for both of them? A Valentine’s Day celebration, ice planet style. There’ll be kisses, scanty outfits, and a pair of reunions you won’t forget.

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Barbarian’s Seduction (2019)

Marlene’s not like the other humans. They weep while she smiles. They look at us with fear, while she entices me with a come-hither look.I…have no idea why such a bold female resonated to a male like me. I am the most reticent of all the sa-khui tribe, a hunter that never expected to have a family of my own. But resonance chooses, and it has chosen her for me. And Marlene is quite determined to seduce me…and who can say no to such a woman?

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Barbarian’s Treasure (2020)

Everyone knows Megan and Cashol hit it off the moment they resonated…didn’t they? But when Josie goes into labor, an off-hand comment makes Megan point out to her friend that no, things weren’t always so smooth. Just because resonance is immediate doesn’t mean it’s immediately perfect.But also…just because it’s an instant bond doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Sometimes it’s very, very right.

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Barbarian’s Bride (2021)

Nora says she’s happy.Dagesh isn’t so sure. He loves his pretty human mate and wants nothing more than to bring a smile to her face…so she’ll go running into his arms. When he asks the tribe what she’s missing, someone suggests a wedding.All right, then. He’ll throw the best barbarian wedding ever.So how does Nora tell her determined, thoughtful mate that what she wanted wasn’t a wedding…but something a little different in bed?

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Vektal and Georgie (2019)

What happens after happily ever after? Quite a bit, actually. Georgie and Vektal are mated, but Georgie has a few things on her mind before she settles into her new life…Why not have a honeymoon?

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Raahosh & Liz (2019)

Newly-mated (and grudge-holding) Liz wants nothing more than to be away from the tribe that’s exiled her man. Raahosh wants to prove to Liz that he can be a good mate, even if he’s ugly.On a honeymoon, they can get to know each other better. Perfect, right?

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Aehako & Kira (2020)

Kira and Aehako are happily mated and waiting for their baby’s arrival. Everything is great…or is it? Because carefree Aehako has turned into the most hovering of spouses, and he’s making everyone at the cave crazy.Kira thinks it’s time for a vacation…of sorts.

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Rukh & Harlow (2021)

Rukh and Harlow are starting over at the beach, away from everyone else. Newly mated, they’re just now realizing what a monumental task it is to create a home when you’ve got nothing but the leathers on your back. It’s even worse when you can’t talk to your mate.Will misunderstandings ruin everything?

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Having the Barbarian’s Baby (2016)

Megan’s ready to give birth, but she’s not ready to let her mate leave her side. When Cashol must go hunting to feed the tribe, they’re separated for the first time since resonance. Not a problem, except the baby’s ready to be born and there’s a storm brewing…

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Ice Ice Babies (2016)

It’s hard being a new mom on a barren, wintry planet. How about a mom…times two? Nora has to find a way to juggle babies, her mate, and friendships while catching the occasional nap. Can she get her groove back?

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Calm (2016)

One morning, gentle Maylak wakes up and feels a sense of oncoming dread. As the tribe’s healer, it is her job to ensure that everyone is safe, happy, and healthy…and they are.So what can be threatening her people?

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Aftershocks (2016)

On the day the world shook, everything changed for the barbarian tribe. This short story goes back to the event and gives additional insight. How do Rukh and Harlow fare through the disaster? How does the chief handle the destruction of everything he’s ever known?

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Slices of Life (2016)

Megan’s ready to give birth, but she’s not ready to let her mate leave her side. When Cashol must go hunting to feed the tribe, they’re separated for the first time since resonance. Not a problem, except the baby’s ready to be born and there’s a storm brewing…

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Prison Planet Barbarian (2017)

Being kidnapped by aliens is one thing.Being kidnapped by aliens and sent to a prison planet is something infinitely worse.Here in Haven’s prison system, I’m stranded among strangers, enemies, and the most ruthless criminals in the galaxy. There’s no safety for a human woman here, especially not one branded as a murderer. I’m doomed to a fate worse than death.Then — he decides I should be his. His name’s Jutari. He’s seven feet tall, blue, and horned. He’s an assassin and one of the most dangerous prisoners here. He’s like no one I’ve ever met before…and he might be my only chance.