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Fern Michaels Sisterhood Series in Order

Fern Michaels Sisterhood Series in order 

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Fern Michaels is the author of the Sisterhood series of novels. The title accurately describes the series. The stories follow women who have been harmed and have been unable to get justice.

They get together and begin serving their version of justice while seeking other women who have faced injustice.  Myra Rutledge and Anna de Silver, a couple of wealthy members of the group lead the group and are essential to the operation of the sisterhood.

The books are all about seeking vengeance. Myra’s daughter was killed in a car accident, and the drunk driver walked free. Myra then discovered that this sort of case could only be handled by the Sisterhood.

Throughout the series,  the Sisterhood assists victims of rape, people falsely accused of crime and victims of treachery.

At first, ițs just a small group of women seeking to serve justice. However, each new case adds to their numbers and expands their organization. This provides access to the resources they need to make an impact on a worldwide scale.

The Man of the Sisterhood series is a spinoff of the Sisterhood series of books.

Fern Michaels Sisterhood Series in order 


  1. Weekend Warriors (2001)
  2. Payback (2005)
  3. Vendetta (2005)
  4. The Jury (2005)
  5. Sweet Revenge (2006)
  6. Lethal Justice (2006)
  7. Free Fall (2007)
  8. Hide and Seek (2007)
  9. Hokus Pokus (2007)
  10. Fast Track (2008)
  11. Collateral Damage (2008)
  12. Final Justice (2008)
  13. Under the Radar (2009)
  14. Razor Sharp (2009)
  15. Vanishing Act (2009)
  16. Deadly Deals (2009)
  17. Game Over (2010)
  18. Cross Roads (2010)
  19. Deja Vu (2010)
  20. Home Free (2011)
  21. Gotcha! (2013)
  22. Blindsided (2014)
  23. Kiss and Tell (2014)
  24. Eyes Only (2014)
  25. In Plain Sight (2015)
  26. Point Blank (2015)
  27. Crash and Burn (2016)
  28. Need to Know (2017)
  29. Safe and Sound (2018)
  30. Cut and Run (2020)
  31. Truth and Justice (2020)
  32. Bitter Pill (2020)
  33. 19 Yellow Moon Road (2021)

Similar authors

  • Secrets of Mackinac Island by Katie Winters follow Elise’s life. After her husband cheats on her and she finds herself alone, she finds her mother’s secret diary.
  •  Carolyn Brown’s The Hope Chest features a grandmother’s loving bequest that changes three lives forever, reuniting three estranged cousins.
  • Susan Mallery’s Blackberry Island follows the story of two sisters on the verge of claiming their dreams.

See also: Elizabeth Berg Books in Order.

Most recommended books of the series

  1. Cut and Run (Sisterhood, #30) (4.36 Goodreads score)
  2. Safe and Sound (Sisterhood, #29) (4.36 Goodreads score)
  3. Crash and Burn (Sisterhood, #27) (4.34 Goodreads score)
  4. Bitter Pill (Sisterhood, #32) 4.33  (Goodreads score)
  5. Truth and Justice (Sisterhood #31) (4.32 Goodreads score)

Latest releases in the series

The latest book in the sisterhood series, Tick Tock, is supposed to be published in 2022.

Book summaries

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Weekend Warriors (2001)

Life isn’t fair. Most women know it. But what can you do about it? Plenty . . . if you’re part of the Sisterhood. On the surface, these seven women are as different as can be—but each has had her share of bad luck, from cheating husbands to sexist colleagues to a legal system that often doesn’t do its job. Now, drawn together by tragedy, they’re forging a bond that will help them right the wrongs committed against them and discover an inner strength they didn’t know they had. Growing bolder with each act of justice, the Sisterhood is learning that when bad things happen, you can roll over and play dead . . . or you can get up fighting . . .

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Payback (2005)

Some women get angry . . . the Sisterhood gets even. Meet the Sisterhood—seven very different women who found one another in their darkest days and formed an indelible friendship, strong enough to heal their pasts and bring laughter and joy back into their lives. In Myra Rutledge’s beautiful Virginia home, amid hugs and fresh iced tea, shrimp fritters and shell-pink tulips, the friends have gathered to embark on their second mission of sweet revenge for one of their own. Julia Webster’s husband, a U.S. Senator, has used his wife’s graciousness and elegance to advance his career even as he’s abused her trust at every turn and left her dreams for the future in tatters. Now, on the eve of his greatest political victory, he’s about to learn a serious lesson. Because the senator crossed the wrong woman—and there are six more where she came from . . .

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Vendetta (2005)

Once upon a time there were seven very different women who had been broken but not beaten by life. In those tough days of healing, they became the Sisterhood, a group of devoted friends who vowed to change their lives, empower themselves, and be there for each other, no matter what. Now, they’re ready to answer the call for the woman who started it all, Myra Rutledge. Five years ago, Myra’s pregnant daughter was killed by a hit-and-run driver—the playboy son of an ambassador with diplomatic immunity. Myra was left to grieve while the murderer was free to return to his lavish lifestyle with no fear of ever having to pay for his crime. But not for much longer. As the air turns crisp in the Virginia hills around Myra’s lovely old farmhouse, the Sisterhood has gathered for a little creative planning, and what they have in mind is a gift for Myra of long-awaited and very sweet revenge . . .

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The Jury (2005)

Tea. Sympathy. Revenge. The Sisterhood has their own style of justice . . . The women of the Sisterhood know life isn’t fair, but that doesn’t mean they have to like it—or let it pass. Instead, these best friends share their joys, troubles, triumphs, heartaches and one collective mission: to right wrongs and bring justice where it is desperately needed. Even reeling from loss of one of their own, the Sisterhood is always prepared to rally behind a new friend. For years, Paula Woodley has suffered the broken bones and shattered self-esteem caused by an abusive marriage. But what can she do? Her high-profile, Washington powerbroker husband is not a man to be crossed. Or so he thinks. The Sisterhood may not be an organization found in any of his memos, but he’s about to take a meeting with them—and they’ll be setting the agenda . . .

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Sweet Revenge (2006)

There are some things that a group of gracious ladies just can’t overlook—and doing one of their friends dirty is at the top of the list. That’s the mission of the Sisterhood, seven women who would do anything to help out one of their clan, especially when it means righting a wrong. And Isabelle Flanders has definitely been done wrong. Her former colleague, the conniving Rosemary, did everything in her power to ruin Isabelle, from framing her for a terrible drunk driving accident to stealing her husband and her architecture firm. Now, Isabelle’s formerly lovely life is in tatters while Rosemary scoops up the spoils. It’s enough to make any friend’s blood boil. Rosemary may think she’s flying high, but she’s about to tangle with the Sisterhood. And when the Sisterhood is on the case, revenge is swift, delicious, and oh-so-sweet . . .

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Lethal Justice (2006)

The fun, smart, sassy women of the Sisterhood are the best friends a woman wants by her side in good times and bad. Meeting once again in Myra Rutledge’s beautiful Virginia home, they’re ready to face a new challenge and right a vicious wrong . . .Alexis Thorn, once a successful securities broker, spent a hellish year behind bars for a crime she never committed. Now she has her freedom, but she’s left with haunting memories of being hauled from her office in handcuffs . . . of the cell door clanging shut behind her . . . of her pleas going unheard. Meanwhile the real criminals—her former employers—continue to make millions by conning the innocent, especially preying on the elderly and taking their life savings. Alexis dreams of getting even. The legal system failed her, but the Sisterhood won’t. They have a delicious plan that can give the scammers a taste of their own bitter medicine . . .

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Free Fall (2007)

Sooner Or Later, The Sisterhood Always Gets Their Man. . .The loyal friends who make up the Sisterhood have gathered at Myra Rutledge’s beautiful Virginia home for the first time in a year, eager to talk, laugh, and share their joys and heartaches. For one of their number, it’s an evening filled with anticipation. Because tonight, over delicious food and in the company of those she trusts most, it will finally be time to tell her story–and for the Sisterhood to help plan her revenge.Yoko Akia’s mother was only fifteen when a wealthy man swept her off her feet with promises of love. Instead, he filled her brief life with horror and misery. The Sisterhood has helped each other exact vengeance on rotten men before, but this time it’s different. Their target is none other than America’s favorite movie star–a brute who has conned the world into believing he’s Mister Perfect. But he’s about to learn that nobody–not even a powerful superstar–is above the Sisterhood’s special brand of payback. . .

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Hide and Seek (2007)

The Sisterhood: a group of women from all walks of life bound by friendship and a quest for justice. Armed with vast resources, top-notch expertise, and a loyal network of allies around the globe, the Sisterhood will not rest until every wrong is made right. Payback has its price, and the Sisterhood’s last assignment almost landed them in jail. Now the women are fugitives with a bounty on their heads, but they’re not planning on hiding out for long—not when good friends need the kind of help only they can give. Mitch Riley, the ruthless assistant director of the FBI, intends to frame Cornelia “Nellie” Easter, the judge who helped the Sisterhood evade prison, and their lawyer, Lizzie Fox, in order to save his own career. He’s created a special task force to hunt the Sisters down. Mitch has the entire FBI behind him, but he’s about to discover that he’s no match for seven formidable women with an unbreakable bond and a wickedly cunning plan to bring the fight right to his door . . .

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Hokus Pokus (2007)

There is no match for the Sisterhood—the seven friends who have taken vigilante justice to a new level—not even the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Although the women foiled former FBI director Mitch Riley’s plot to frame their friends Judge Nellie Easter and lawyer Lizzie Fox, now they must remain in exile or risk capture. They can’t complain about their opulent digs on a remote, luxurious mountaintop, but the ladies desperately miss home. Their wish to return might come true sooner than they expect when they receive a panicked call from Supreme Court Chief Justice Pearl Barnes, who faces blackmail for her own illegal brand of justice. Now the women must not only sneak back into the United States, but also remain undetected as they investigate. But how do you make seven women disappear? With a nosy reporter on the brink of exposing them, the clock is ticking as the Sisterhood tries to create a little magic—and save the day . . .

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Fast Track (2008)

It’s been years since the members of the Sisterhood first banded together, with the help of their mentor Charles Martin, to exact their own form of justice on those whose crimes had gone unpunished by the legal system. Now, back in the United States after an enforced exile, and ensconced in a new home on Big Pine Mountain in North Carolina, Myra, Kathryn, Annie, Alexis, Isabelle, Yoko, and Nikki are breathing easy at last—but not for long.One dark night, under cover of a vicious storm, a helicopter lands on their mountain. The Sisters aren’t about to wait to be ambushed. Braving the storm, they set out to greet their guests, only to be told by Charles that the mysterious visitors are the Sisterhood’s new employers, and they’ve got a dangerous new assignment in mind. The task they face is daunting. If they succeed, the Sisterhood will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams. If they fail, they’ll forfeit much more than a paycheck. But if the Ladies of Pinewood have learned one thing over the course of their adventures, it’s that when friends band together, miracles can happen. . .

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Collateral Damage (2008)

This time, the Sisterhood might be their own worst enemies . . . Through all their adventures, the bond of the Sisterhood has remained steadfast and unshakeable. But for the first time, the Sisterhood verges on falling apart when the ladies are faced with a new mission—one with a presidential pardon hanging in the balance . . . A mysterious Washington, D.C. political operative needs them to track down a computer hacker who has stolen a highly classified list of fundraisers’ names. With a presidential election looming, the girls soon realize the job is a lot more dangerous than they had anticipated. They must put their feuding on the back burner—and stay alive long enough to see if their names will finally be cleared . . .

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Final Justice (2008)

The seven women of the Sisterhood—Myra, Annie, Kathryn, Alexis, Yoko, Nikki, and Isabelle—have risked everything in the name of justice, including their own freedom. Their most recent mission promised to reward them with a presidential pardon and a chance to leave their enforced exile. But before they can enjoy their prize, they’ll have to tackle a risky new operation in the heart of Sin City. Myra and Annie’s childhood friend, Beatrice, needs a favor. Her estranged daughter, Marble Rose, has been enjoying a stroke of good luck at the casinos lately—the kind of luck that makes enemies of the most powerful people in Vegas. Those people want Marble Rose stopped, permanently. But as the Sisters investigate with the help of their ally and attorney, Lizzie Fox, they discover a web of corruption that will pit them against their most ruthless opponent yet. Armed with Alexis’s red bag of tricks, the ladies are about to put a daring plan in action. They’ve never failed before, but in Vegas, there are no sure bets—and this time, they’ll have to wager everything they hold dear . . .

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Under the Radar (2009)

A Sister’s work is never done—not when there are wrongs to right and underdogs to defend. Just returned to their mountaintop hideaway after their latest successful mission, the seven fearless friends enjoy a celebratory dinner and retire to bed. But within an hour, an alarm sounds, and the ladies rush into the compound in time to see Myra and their mentor, Charles, climbing aboard a helicopter. All that’s left is a mysterious note, signed by Charles. Still reeling, the Sisters receive an urgent call from retired justice Pearl Barnes. Pearl runs an underground railroad to help abused and displaced women, and she’s just rescued fourteen pregnant teenagers who belong to a highly secretive and controversial polygamy sect. But keeping the girls safe will require the kind of help only the Sisterhood can provide—if they can band together and go it alone . .

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Razor Sharp (2009)

When it comes to repaying a debt, the women of the Sisterhood—Myra, Annie, Kathryn, Alexis, Yoko, Nikki, and Isabelle—never forget. And now one of their allies needs help only they can give. A powerful attorney with a cut-throat reputation, Lizzie Fox has just taken on a high-profile new client—Lily Flowers, the Madam of a high-end bordello operating under the guise of a summer camp.The chips—a.k.a. the prominent Washington politicians who frequent the bordello—are stacked against Lily and her girls. But one phone call to the Sisterhood might just swing the vote. And soon, even the highest courts in the land will prove no match for seven fearless friends determined to ensure that real justice is served, Sisterhood style.

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Vanishing Act (2009)

For the women of the Sisterhood, planning a lavish reception for their longtime ally, attorney Lizzie Fox, at their lux mountain retreat is the ideal way to unwind after their latest successful mission. The only cloud over the happy occasion is that their mentor, Charles, is still mysteriously absent.But amid the friendly bickering about floral arrangements, cake tiers, and wedding favors, the ladies of Pinewood receive a frantic phone call from Nikki’s fiancé, Jack Emery. Harry Wong—Yoko’s true love and a staunch supporter of the Sisterhood—has become the victim of a ruthless identity theft ring. Harry’s bank accounts have been closed out, his beloved dojo is being foreclosed, and he’s being evicted. Distraught, Yoko is about to rush down the mountain to Harry’s aid when the Sisters intercept her. A situation like Harry’s requires finesse, careful planning, and the Sisterhood’s distinctive brand of vigilante justice . . .

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Deadly Deals (2009)

After years of trying to become pregnant without success, Rachel Dawson and her husband Thomas felt their dreams had finally come true the day they brought home their newly adopted twin babies. Though the lawyer Baron Bell who arranged for the surrogate mother charged a hefty six-figure fee, one glance into the eyes of their precious children told them it was all worth it. Until the birth mother reappeared, first demanding more money, then the twins themselves. Suddenly Baron Bell was nowhere to be found, and the Dawsons were once again childless, heartbroken and nearly destitute.When the case finds its way to the offices of high-profile attorney Lizzie Fox, she can’t wait to take down the so-called “Mr. Wonderful.” And she knows she’ll have all the help she needs as it’s just the kind of crime that really gets the Sisterhood’s adrenalin flowing. Once they get their hands on the perpetrators there will be hell to pay, and it will cost a lot more than cold, hard cash . . .

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Game Over (2010)

With yet another successful assignment behind them, the ladies of the Sisterhood have enjoyed a relaxing break together and celebrated the wedding of Myra and Charles on Big Pine Mountain. But as soon as the newlyweds return from their shortened honeymoon, they are hit with some exciting yet unsettling news . . .It seems their dear ally Lizzie Fox, recently ensconced as Chief White House Counsel, is rumored to be near the top of the short list for a soon to be vacated seat on the Supreme Court. While the Sisters are thrilled for Lizzie, they are concerned about her being ripped to shreds in the approval process, partly due to her connections with the Sisterhood. They also fear it will delay or even derail their long-awaited pardon promised to them by President Martine Connor. It will take a masterful plan—and loyal friends aiding them at every turn—for the Sisters to succeed in protecting Lizzie while securing their own freedom at last.

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Cross Roads (2010)

The Sisterhood will not be broken . . . It’s been a year and a half since the women of the Sisterhood received their presidential pardons, but the freedom they craved has come at a high price. The impossibly lucrative positions handed out to them by the mysterious Global Securities company have turned out to be golden handcuffs—scattering them around the world, cutting off communication, and leaving them in miserable isolation. But a happy homecoming at the old Virginia farmhouse is marred by the hijacking of Nikki and Kathryn’s private jet. It seems their few fellow passengers are not ordinary travelers—they’re an elite group of Interpol agents who urgently need the Sisterhood’s help. Now the ladies face a stark choice: resume their vigilante status for one of their most hazardous assignments yet or try to outwit a group of powerful adversaries willing to use truly desperate measures. This time, everything is in the balance—their lives, their friendship, and the freedom they fought so hard to gain . . .

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Deja Vu (2010)

Thanks to a presidential pardon, the Sisterhood can put their fugitive days behind them and resume their lives in peace. Still, all the women admit that lately things are a little too calm and peaceful. Meeting up for the first time in months to celebrate Kathryn’s birthday—in the City of Sin, no less—seems like the perfect antidote. But before they can kick up their heels something too big to pass up is dropped into their laps. The time has come to deal with Enemy #1, aka Hank Jellicoe, who’s wanted by the FBI, the CIA, and Homeland Security for starters. President Connor herself has run out of patience with their lack of results. Only the Sisterhood, with their special blend of guts, imagination, and friends in all places are capable of pulling off the impossible—of hunting down this monster and taking him out once and for all . . .

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Home Free (2011)

United by a desire to overcome their personal misfortunes, seven very different women formed an indelible bond and vowed to right wrongs wherever they found them. They’ve succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. After years known as the Vigilantes, Myra, Annie, Kathryn, Alexis, Yoko, Nikki, and Isabelle are enjoying their hard-won freedom and the chance at a normal life.As it turns out, once you’re a part of the Sisterhood, normal is a relative term. President Martine Connor, their long-time ally, has announced the formation of a top-secret organization. Officially, the CIC won’t exist. Unofficially, they’ll report directly to the president and tackle the jobs no one else can handle. For the Sisterhood, it’s the end of an era—and the beginning of a whole new adventure . .

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Gotcha! (2013)

Revenge Is Never OutdatedSometimes, justice is a long time coming. That’s the case with Julie Wyatt, whose story strikes close to home for the original founder of the Sisterhood, Myra Rutledge, and her best friend–and fellow Sister–Annie. Julie is convinced her greedy daughter-in-law Darlene had something to do with the mysterious circumstances surrounding her son Larry’s death. She desperately wants to get a confession out of Darlene–and to ensure the safety of Larry’s daughter, Olivia. As Myra, Annie, and their cohorts dig deeper into Darlene’s shady dealings, events unfurl in a way that no one could have predicted, bringing to light the true meaning of loyalty and courage–and the kind of friendship that can create miracles. . .

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Blindsided (2014)

Myra Rutledge isn’t ready to mothball the Sisterhood just yet. When Maggie Spitzer, former editor-in-chief of the Post and an honorary member of the Sisterhood, arrives with a new mission in mind, the Vigilantes are soon gathering in their war room once more. While catching up on each other’s lives, they plan a brilliant campaign against a duo of corrupt judges running a moneymaking racket that sends young offenders to brutal boot camps, often on trumped-up charges. Their enemies are powerful and ruthless, but the Sisterhood have their own formidable allies—including former President Martine Connor. Once their scheme takes off, the guilty won’t know what hit them . . .

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Kiss and Tell (2014)

Life comes in stages. Even the Sisterhood has been content to let their gold shields gather a little dust while they enjoy their friends and family. But when a string of anonymous emails arrives at Pinewood, suggesting shady dealings at a local assisted-living facility, Myra Rutledge and her best friend Annie de Silva are more than ready to out-hustle a master con-artist at his own game. they’ll need to enlist some new and untested allies in order to pull off their brilliant plan, all while Myra faces a personal challenge that will rock the Sisterhood to the core . . .

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Eyes Only (2014)

Lush, exclusive Spyder Island is home to many of the world’s billionaires. Years ago, Gretchen Spyder, daughter of the island’s namesake, gave her twin babies up for legal adoption. Now Gretchen and her father are trying to get them back. The twins’ adoptive parents are a loving but poor couple, completely outgunned by the Spyders’ wealth. Their only hope lies with Myra Rutledge and her formidable Sisterhood, who are as ready as ever to fight the good fight. But nestled among the lavish mansions and immaculate landscaping of Spyder Island is a sinister enemy. And in a case that’s far more twisted than it first appears, the ingenuity, courage, and friendship of the Sisterhood will be tested as never before.

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In Plain Sight (2015)

For years Myra Rutledge and Annie de Silva, founding members of the Sisterhood, have funded an underground network run by a former Supreme Court Justice to help women escape abusive relationships. When two clients fail to report for their weekly check-in, the Sisterhood and their allies begin a search for French model Amalie Laurent and her one-time maid. Amalie’s estranged husband, Lincoln Moss, is a distant cousin of the President of the United States and one of his closest advisers. Moss’s power is matched by the violent streak he hides from the world, and he beat Amalie viciously until she finally escaped with her maid’s help. Moss is accustomed to doing exactly what he wants without fear of consequence. But Moss has never faced an adversary like the Sisterhood . .

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Point Blank (2015)

When Yoko Wong’s partner, Harry, receives a phone call from an old schoolmate in China, he finds out that his daughter, Lily, is missing from the Shaolin temple where she is now a student. Finding Lily is a top priority, and the Sisterhood and their allies come up with a way for the group to travel to China. they’ll go to Macau, nicknamed “the Monte Carlo of the Orient,” on the pretext of opening a casino there. But what will they find once they reach their destination? Can they hope to rescue Lily when the enemy has the home advantage . . . and the will to kill? The odds are stacked against them, but when the Sisterhood is involved, you can always bet on the underdog . . .

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Crash and Burn (2016)

The women of the Sisterhood are united by their mission to help those unable to help themselves. But now they’ve encountered opponents who share a unique bond of their own. The law firm of Queen, King, Bishop & Rook—the Chessmen—has been a formidable force in Washington, D.C., for decades. And Sisterhood member Nikki Quinn’s new case has made her their prime target.Nikki has agreed to represent Livinia Lambert as she files for divorce from her domineering, greedy husband, Wilson “Buzz” Lambert. Buzz, currently Speaker of the House, fears the scandal will scupper his presidential plans, and intends to make life extremely difficult for Livinia—with the Chessmen’s help. For too long, the Chessmen have believed themselves above the law they pretend to serve, but there’s no statute of limitations on the Sisterhood’s particular brand of justice—or their loyalty . . .

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Need to Know (2017)

Through all their missions and adventures, the tightknit group of friends who make up the Sisterhood have learned one vital lesson: everybody has a weak spot. In the case of Yoko Wong’s dear friend Garland Lee, the multimillion-selling performer known as America’s beloved songbird, that weak spot was trusting her lawyer, Arthur Forrester. For years, he’s taken advantage of her faith in him to amass a secret fortune. And now, in the deepest betrayal yet, he’s dragged her into a lawsuit that could cost her everything. The Sisterhood know they can’t let that happen. Forrester has some of the country’s top judges in his pocket, and a list of influential and ruthless friends—not to mention knowledge of all the ways the law can be corrupted to work in his favor. But he doesn’t have the Vigilantes’ deep-seated loyalty and determination. And all his years of underhanded dealings won’t prepare him for the type of creative payback that the Sisters have made their specialty . . .

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Safe and Sound (2018)

Isabelle Flanders Tookus isn’t expecting to involve the Sisterhood in a new mission when she strikes up a friendship with a curly-haired boy in her local park. Ben Ryan is an eight-year-old child genius, the grandson of millionaire Eleanor Lymen, who hired Izzy years ago to design an institute for gifted children. Ben’s mother passed away and Ben now lives with his stepfather and his wife. They’ve been using Ben’s trust fund to support their lavish lifestyle while shamefully neglecting Ben. And with the wife getting greedy, Ben’s safety is now in jeopardy. Izzy’s first step: call in the Sisterhood. The second: track down Eleanor, who has mysteriously vanished on a secret mission of her own. Izzy, Annie, Myra, and the rest of the Sisters come together at Pinewood, thrilled to be united once more. Together they’ll lay a trap, one that will protect Eleanor’s beloved grandson, get him into the happy home he deserves, and provide the kind of creative, satisfying payback the Sisters dish out so well . . .

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Cut and Run (2020)

It’s been three months since Countess Annie de Silva slipped away from her home before dawn, leaving a cryptic note and no clue as to her destination. That’s an eternity for friends as devoted as the Sisterhood. Now they’re desperate to ensure that their founding member is alive and well, and that means tracking her down—wherever in the world she might be.It’s been three months since Countess Annie de Silva slipped away from her home before dawn, leaving a cryptic note and no clue as to her destination. That’s an eternity for friends as devoted as the Sisterhood. Now they’re desperate to ensure that their founding member is alive and well, and that means tracking her down—wherever in the world she might be.

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Truth and Justice (2020)

When Alexis Thorn and Joe Esposito encounter a young woman sobbing alone in a restaurant, they step into action and offer their comfort and sympathy. They soon learn that the woman’s husband was recently killed in action in Afghanistan. Before he reported for duty, they took steps to preserve their chances of having children. But when Bella visits the fertility clinic, she discovers her eggs are no longer there—and the circumstances are beyond suspicious. Heartbroken at this tale of shattered hopes, Alexis recruits the Sisterhood to investigate. Soon they uncover a con artist on an obsessive mission. Tracking the culprit behind such a cruel scheme won’t be easy. But with their combined grit, courage, and determination to overcome any obstacle, the Sisterhood will make sure that this story ends on a note of triumph . . .

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Bitter Pill (2020)

For the Sisterhood, there’s a special satisfaction that comes with helping a friend in need, especially when it’s someone as dear as Charlotte Hansen. Myra Rutledge’s childhood friend has spent tens of thousands of dollars on remedies to boost longevity. But far from improving her health, the medications seem to be destroying it. Myra becomes suspicious of the trio of doctors in charge of the program, especially once the Sisterhood’s investigations reveal that one patient has died, and another lapsed into a coma. While those in their care suffer, the three doctors—located in London, Aspen, and New York—all enjoy indulgent lifestyles and extravagant toys. But justice is always the best medicine—and no one dispenses it better than the Sisterhood . . .

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19 Yellow Moon Road (2021)

Maggie Spritzer’s nose for a story doesn’t just make her a top-notch newspaper editor, it also tells her when to go the extra mile for a friend. When she gets a strange message from her journalism pal, Gabby Richardson, Maggie knows her services are needed. Gabby has become involved with The Haven, a commune that promises to guide its members toward a more spiritually fulfilling life. But Gabby’s enthusiasm has turned to distrust ever since she was refused permission to leave the compound to visit her sick mother. Maggie wants to learn more about The Haven, and the Sisterhood is eager to help. It turns out The Haven’s founders are the sons of a disgraced Chicago businessman in prison for running a Ponzi scheme. They also have connections to a Miami billionaire with dubious sidelines. Soon, the Sisterhood gang embark on a search—and uncover a web of crime that runs deeper and higher than they ever imagined. And they’ll need all their special skills to bring it down…