Book Order by Series

Richard Jury Books in Order

Richard Jury Books in order 

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Richard Jury series, written by Martha Grimes, stars Richard Jury, a Scotland Yard detective solving mysteries, one more intriguing than the other. The series became so popular that it is still being continued after three decades. 

Brian Macalvie and the Divisional Commander are some of the recurring characters.

In 1981, Grimes published “The Man With a Load of Mischief,” the first novel featuring Jury.  It begins with the discovery of a man’s body. Another body is discovered at the girder of the Jack and Hammer pub not long after. Scotland Yard’s top detective is summoned to provide perspective into what occurred. When the Detective arrives, he finds the town’s residents scouring the city for the killer, but it’s one keen observer’s account that will get him on the right path and into the darkest parts of his residents’ hearts…

Over the next 24 novels to date, the series managed to keep up the intrigue, earn a spot on the New York Times bestseller list, and become known as “utterly unlike anyone else’s detective novels” (Washington Post). 

The series presents an enthralling story that delves into the deepest corners of people’s souls. Richard Jury is a fantastic character-driven story.

Richard Jury Books in order 

Richard Jury

  1. The Man With a Load of Mischief (1981)
  2. The Old Fox Deceiv’d (1982)
  3. The Anodyne Necklace (1983)
  4. The Dirty Duck (1984)
  5. Jerusalem Inn (1984)
  6. Help the Poor Struggler (1985)
  7. The Deer Leap (1985)
  8. I Am the Only Running Footman (1986)
  9. The Five Bells and Bladebone (1987)
  10. The Old Silent (1989)
  11. The Old Contemptibles (1991)
  12. The Horse You Came In On (1993)
  13. Rainbow’s End (1995)
  14. The Case Has Altered (1997)
  15. The Stargazey (1998)
  16. The Lamorna Wink (1999)
  17. The Blue Last (2001)
  18. The Grave Maurice (2002)
  19. The Winds of Change (2004)
  20. The Old Wine Shades (2006)
  21. Dust (2007)
  22. The Black Cat (2010)
  23. Vertigo 42 (2014)
  24. The Knowledge (2018)
  25. The Old Success (2019)

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See also: Hercule Poirot Books in Order.

Most recommended books:

  1. The Old Fox Deceiv’d (Richard Jury, #2) (4.08 Goodreads score)
  2. The Blue Last (Richard Jury, #17) (4.04 Goodreads score)
  3. The Anodyne Necklace (Richard Jury, #3) (4.02 Goodreads score)
  4. The Knowledge (Richard Jury #24) (4.01 Goodreads score)
  5. The Old Contemptibles (Richard Jury, #11) (4.01 Goodreads score)


The third novel in the series, “The Anodyne Necklace,” won the Nero Wolfe Award for best mystery in 1983.

Latest releases

The last novel of the series is called The Old Success. It is the 25th novel of the Richard Jury series.

Book summaries

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The Man With a Load of Mischief (1981)


Long Piddleton had always been wary of newcomers. But the quiet town was stunned when the first stranger was found dead, upended in a butt of ale in the cellar of the Men with a Load of Mischief. Then the second body appeared, swinging in place of the mechanical man above the door of the Jack and Hammer. Suddenly Long Piddleton had good reason to be wary of everyone! Its cozy pubs and inns with their polished pewter and blazing hearths had become scenes of the most bizarre crimes. Who were the victims? And who was the murderer? A stranger? A maniac? Or the disarmingly friendly man next door?

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The Old Fox Deceiv’d (1982)

It is a chilly and foggy Twelfth Night, wild with North Sea wind when a bizarre murder disturbs the outward piece of Rackmoor, a tiny Yorkshire fishing village with a past that proves a tangled maze of unrequited loves, unrevenged wrongs, and even undiscovered murders. Inspector Jury finds no easy answers in his investigation—not even the identity of the victim, a beautiful young woman. Was she Gemma Temple, an impostor, or was she really Dillys March, Colonel Titus Crael’s long-lost ward, returning after eight years to the Colonel’s country seat and to a share of his fortune? And who was her murderer?

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The Anodyne Necklace (1983)

A spinster whose passion was bird-watching, a dotty peer who pinched pennies, and a baffling murderer made the tiny village of Littlebourne a most extraordinary place. And a severed finger made a ghastly clue in the killing that led local constables from a corpse to a boggy footpath to a beautiful lady’s mansion. But Richard Jury refused, preferring to take the less traveled route to a slightly disreputable pub, the Anodyne Necklace. There, drinks all around loosened enough tongues to link a London mugging with the Littlebourne murder and a treasure map that would chart the way to yet another chilling crime.

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The Dirty Duck (1984)

The Dirty Duck is a pub in Shakespeare’s beloved Stratford and in this pub, Miss Gwendolyn Bracegirdle of Sarasota, Florida, fresh from a performance of As You Like It, takes her last drink. A few minutes later she is slashed ear to ear, the only clue: two lines from an unknown poem printed across a theater program. The razor-happy murderer, it seems is stalking a group of rich American tourists. And Scotland Yard Superintendent Richard Jury, just passing through Stratford for a glimpse of the intriguing Lady Kennington, instead takes a crash course in the bloodier side of Elizabethan verse.

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Jerusalem Inn (1984)

From the rough but colorful pub that provides the book’s title, to the snowboard Gothic estate nearby, the chilly English landscape has never held more atmosphere—or thwarted romance. And Jury will never have a more mysterious Christmas. Five Days Before Christmas: On his way to a brief holiday (he thinks) Jury meets a woman he could fall in love with. He meets her in a snow-covered graveyard—not, he thinks, the best way to begin an attachment. Four Days Before Christmas: Jury meets Father Rourke, who draws for him the semiotic square—“a structure that might simplify thought,” says the priest, but Jury’s thoughts need more than symbols.Three Days Before Christmas: Melrose Plant, Jury’s aristocratic and unofficial assistant, arrives at Spinney Abbey, now home to a well-known critic. Among the assembled snowbound guests he meets—Lady Assington, Beatrice Sleight, and the painter Edward Parmenger. When they all assemble in the dining room, Lady Assington announces, “I think we should have a murder.”Read less

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Help the Poor Struggler (1985)

Around bleak Dartmoor, where the Hound of the Baskervilles once bayed, three children have been brutally murdered. Now Richard Jury of Scotland Yard joins forces with a hot-tempered local constable named Brian Macalvie to track down the killer. The trail begins at a desolate pub, Help the Poor Struggler. It leads straight to the estate of Lady Jessica, a ten-year-old orphaned heiress who lives with her mysterious uncle and ever-changing series of governesses. And as suspense spreads across the forbidding landscape, an old injustice returns to haunt Macalvie…with clues that link a murder in the distant past with a killing yet to come.

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The Deer Leap (1985)

In her latest Richard Jury adventure, Martha Grimes takes us to Ashdown Dean, a little English village where animals are dying in a series of seemingly innocuous accidents. While the puzzling deaths of village pets may raise some idle gossip over a pint or two at the Deer Leap, the village pub, this hardly seems a case for Superintendent Jury of Scotland Yard. Nor does it seem much of a challenge for the combined deductive powers of Jury and Melrose, the affable former Earl of Caverness. It is his mystery-writing, amethyst-eyed friend, Polly Praed, who drags Plant and Jury to Ashdown Dean. The impatient Polly, having yanked open a call box in the pouring rain, is ill-prepared for what lands at her feet. The now-deadly case is cause for calling in Scotland Yard.

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I Am the Only Running Footman (1986)

In a rainy ditch in a Devon wood, a hitchhiker is found dead. Almost a year later, on another rainy night, another murder; this time, however, the victim is found just outside a pub called I Am the Only Running Footman, near Berkeley Square in London’s fashionable Mayfair District. Devon policeman Brian Macalvie is convinced that the two murders are connected. And thus, in his eighth case, Richard Jury is drawn into the so-called Porphyria killings. A particularly elusive pair of murders. From the streets of London to the village of Somers Abbas, Jury, and Macalvie are joined by the stolid if hypochondriac Sergeant Wiggins and the reluctant Melrose Plant. They meet in another pub, the Mortal Man, and, amidst the clatter and cry of the Warboys family, they ponder a labyrinthine set of clues.

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The Five Bells and Bladebone (1987)

When a dismembered corpse is found in the compartments of an antique writing bureau, Marshall Trueblood, recipient of the precious piece of furniture, is the first to protest: “I bought the desk, not the body, send it back.” Who would want to kill Simon Lean, the greedy nephew of the wealthy Lady Summerston?Leave it to Superintendent Richard Jury of Scotland Yard to suggest a connection to the murder of a brassy Limehouse lady named Sadie Driver, found dead near Wapping Old Stairs…if that stone-cold body on the slipway is really Sadie. Not even her brother, Tommy, on a visit from Gravesend, can swear to it.

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The Old Silent (1989)

In the tenth murderous case for Richard Jury, the New Scotland Yard superintendent witnesses a killing in a West Yorkshire inn called the Old Silent, while his highborn, amateur colleague, Melrose Plant wishes to he could perform one as he drives his impossible Aunt Agatha to the Old Swan in Harrogate. Caught up in a triple murder, Jury would go to any lengths to help Nell Healey, the lovely widow of one of the victims. But Nell Healey remains silent as the Yorkshire moors, quiet as the grave, while the scope of the mystery widens.

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The Old Contemptibles (1991)

Following a passionate and troubled love affair with a pretty widow named Jane Holdsworth, Jury finds himself, unaccountably, a suspect in a murder investigation. Detained in London, Jury sends his friend Melrose Plant, former Earl of Caverness, to the Holdsworth family’s Lake District home to pose as an eccentric librarian. Plant discovers that his catalog cards contain fewer data on Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey than they do on tantalizing questions about the Holdsworths: What happened to Crabbe Holdsworth’s first wife? What happened to his son, Graham? What happened to the cook, Annie? And what might happen to the two children, favorites of rich old Adam Holdworth, who prefers the ambiance of a swank retirement home, Castle Howe, where he and the elegant Lady Cray can drive the staff crazy? Jury and Sergeant Wiggins finally join Melrose at the Old Contemptibles pub, where they arrive at a solution that Jury detests, for no matter what he does, innocence will suffer.

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The Horse You Came In On (1993)

The murder is in America, but the call goes out to Scotland Yard superintendent Richard Jury. Accompanied by his aristocratic friend Melrose Plant and by Sargeant Wiggins, Jury arrives in Baltimore, Maryland, home of zealous Orioles fans, mouth-watering crabs, and Edgar Allen Poe. In his efforts to solve the case, Jury rubs elbows with a delicious and suspicious cast of characters, embarking on a trail that leads to a unique tavern called The Horse You Came In On…

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Rainbow’s End (1995)

When three women die of “natural causes” in London and the West Country, there appears to be no connection—or reason to suspect foul play. But Scotland Yard Superintendent Richard Jury has other ideas, and before long he’s following his keen police instincts all the way to Santa Fe, New Mexico. There, in the company of a brooding thirteen-year-old girl and her pet coyote, he mingles with an odd assortment of characters and tangles with a twisted plot that stretches from England to the American Southwest. And while his good friend Melrose Plant pursues inquires in London, Jury delves deeper into the more baffling elements of the case, discovering firsthand what the guidebooks don’t tell you; that the Land of Enchantment is also a landscape ripe with tragedy, treachery, and murder.

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The Case Has Altered (1997)

The sun, smoking behind a haze of cloud, threw off a light of burnished pewter. Mysteriously lit, it was as if the watery, colorless land refused drabness, and stood determinedly against diminishment. This is a landscape that can easily deceive, a landscape that volunteers nothing as if to say, You’re on your own, mate—much like the habitues of the only pub for miles around called The Case Has Altered. The Lincolnshire fenlands are the right setting for Richard Jury’s latest case, a mystifying double murder. The body of one woman is found on the wash; another woman lies floating in a canal in Windy Fen. Both women are connected with Fengate: Dorcas Reese, a servant; Verna Dunn, the louche ex-wife of the owner, Max Owen, a man with a passion for antiques. So when the principal suspect turns out to be Jenny Kennington, a woman Jury has long loved, he decides he needs someone inside Fengate, someone who can impersonate an antique expert…

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The Stargazey (1998)

Saturday night. It was not a night to be spent alone, riding a bus. When he was a teenager at the comprehensive, Saturday night without a girl, without a date, without at least your mates to raise hell with, Saturday night alone would have been shameful. One wouldn’t want to be seen alone on a Saturday night…. Who are you kidding? That was never your life, Jury, not yours.

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The Lamorna Wink (1999)

Five years ago in Cornwall, two children disappeared from their beds and were found mysteriously drowned. When a woman is murdered nearby, the police look for a connection between the deaths. Melrose Plant, renting the children’s empty home is caught up in the inquiry, and soon Richard Jury arrives to investigate.

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The Blue Last (2001)

In The Blue Last, Richard Jury finally faces the last thing in the world he wants to deal with—the war that killed his mother, his father, and his childhood. Mickey Haggerty, a DCI with the London City police, has asked for Jury’s help. Two skeletons have been unearthed in the City during the excavation of London’s last bombsite, where once a pub stood called the The Blue Last. Mickey believes that a child who survived the bombing has been posing for over fifty years as a child who didn’t. The grandchild of brewery magnet Oliver Tyndale supposedly survived that December 1940 bombing . . . but did she? Mickey also has a murder to solve. Simon Croft, prosperous City financial broker, and son of the one-time owner of The Blue Last is found shot to death in his Thames-side house. But the book he was writing about London during the German blitzkrieg has disappeared.Jury wants to get eyes and ears into Tynedale Lodge, and looks to his friend, Melrose Plant, to play the role. Reluctantly, Plant plays it, accompanied on his rounds of the Lodge gardens by nine-year-old Gemma Trim, orphan and ward of Oliver Tynedale; and Benny Keagan, a resourceful twelve-year-old orphaned delivery boy. And Richard Jury may not make it out alive.A stolen book, stolen lives, or is any of this what it seems? Identity, memory, provenance – these are all called into question in The Blue Last

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The Grave Maurice (2002)

“Chew on this,” says Melrose Plant to Richard Jury, who’s in the hospital being driven crazy by Hannibal, a nurse who likes to speculate on his chances for survival. The jury could use a good story, preferably one not ending with his own demise. Plant tells Jury of something he overheard in The Grave Maurice, a pub near the hospital. A woman told an intriguing story about a girl named Nell Ryder, granddaughter to the owner of the Ryder Stud Farm in Cambridgeshire, who went missing more than a year before and has never been found. What is especially interesting to Plant is that Nell is also the daughter of Jury’s surgeon. But Nell’s disappearance isn’t the only mystery at the Ryder farm. A woman has been found dead on the track-a woman who was a stranger even to the Ryders. But not to Plant. She’s the woman he saw in The Grave Maurice. Together with Jury, Nell’s family, and the Cambridgeshire police, Plant embarks on a search to find Nell and bring her home. But is there more to their mission than just restoring a fifteen-year-old girl to her family?

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The Winds of Change (2004)

As he leans over the body of an unidentified five-year-old girl shot in the back on a shabby London street, Superintendent Richard Jury knows he’ll be facing one of the saddest investigations of his life. His colleague DI Johnny Blakeley, head of the pedophile unit of NSY, thinks he knows where this child came from – an iniquitous house on that same street, owned by well-known financier Viktor Baumann and fronted by a woman named Murchison. Blakeley has been trying to wreck their operation for a long time. While examining the body of an unidentified woman murdered in the gardens of Declan Scott’s estate, Angel Gate, Brian Macalvie, commander of the Devon and Cornwall police, realizes he’s been here before. Three years prior, Declan’s stepdaughter, four-year-old Flora, was abducted while she and her mother Mary were visiting the Lost Gardens of Heligan. Shortly after that, Mary Scott herself died, and Declan was devastated by the loss of his child and his wife.”He really doesn’t need a body in his garden,” says Macalvie. Joined by the intrepid Melrose Plant, now a gardener at Angel Gate, Jury and Macalvie rake over the present and the past in a pub near Launceston called the Winds of Change. With one of their most serpentine investigations under way, all signs point to the guilt of Viktor Baumann, Mary Scott’s first husband, and Flora’s father. But when no one, in this case, is exactly who he seems, how can Jury be sure?

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The Old Wine Shades (2006)

“The dog came back.”This is a joke, right?”No, it isn’t… So do you want to hear the rest of it?”Dumbly, Jury nodded. The rest of it is told by Harry Johnson, a stranger who sits down next to Richard Jury as he’s drinking in a London pub called the Old Wine Shades. Over three successive nights Harry spins this complicated story about a good friend of his whose wife and son (and dog) disappeared one day as they were viewing a property in Surrey. They’ve been missing for nine months – no trace, no clue, no lead as to what happened. He’s a fascinating bloke, this Harry Johnson – rich, handsome, unattached, and brainy about the esoteric subject of quantum mechanics, a field in which the vanished woman’s husband, Hugh Gault, excels: He’s an authority on string theory, which has some pretty funny notions about the nature of reality.The jury wonders, Is Harry Johnson winding him up? Or did it really happen? The dog did come back – but how? And from where? And when Jury investigates, all seems to be just as Harry described it. Until they find the body.

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Dust (2007)

A young friend pulls Scotland Yard’s Richard Jury into the life—and death—of a wealthy bachelor…The once-charismatic Billy Maples was last seen in a club named Dust, before his murder in a trendy London hotel. Proving as inscrutable—and challenging—to Jury as the case is the beautiful chief inspecting officer…Before his death, Maples was a patron of London’s finest art galleries and caretaker of author Henry James’s house in Rye. It’s there where Jury installs Melrose Plant, who takes his job to heart, as Jury closes in on the dark secrets behind Maples’s friends and family…

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The Black Cat (2010)

Richard Jury is still dealing with the guilt of the accident that sent Lu Aquilar into a coma. But then he gets assigned the case of a beautiful woman who was murdered on the grounds of a pub called the Black Cat. And the only witness is a black cat. The woman is unidentifiable-but Jury is going to see that the person responsible is known to all…

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Vertigo 42 (2014)

Richard Jury is meeting Tom Williamson at Vertigo 42, a bar on the forty-second floor of an office building in London’s financial district. Despite inconclusive evidence, Tom is convinced his wife, Tess, was murdered seventeen years ago. The inspector in charge of the case was sure Tess’s death was accidental—a direct result of vertigo—but the official police inquiry is still an open verdict and Jury agrees to re-examine the case.Jury learns that a nine-year-old girl fell to her death five years before Tess at the same place in Devon where Tess died, at a small house party. Jury seeks out the five surviving party guests, who are now adults, hoping they can shed light on this bizarre coincidence. Ultimately, four deaths—two in the past, two that occur on the pages of this intricate, compelling novel—keep Richard Jury and his sidekick Sergeant Wiggins running from their homes in Islington to the countryside in Devon and to London as they try to figure out if the deaths were accidental or not. And if they are connected. Witty, well-written, with literary references from Thomas Hardy to Yeats, Vertigo 42 is a pitch perfect, page-turning novel from a mystery writer at the top of her game.

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The Knowledge (2018)

Robbie Parsons is one of London’s finest, a black cab driver who knows the city by heart. In his backseat is a man with a gun in his hand – a man who brazenly committed a crime in front of the Artemis Club then jumped in and ordered Parsons to drive. As the criminal eventually escapes to Nairobi, Detective Superintendent Richard Jury comes across the case in the Saturday paper. Two days previously, he had met and connected with one of the victims, a professor of astrophysics at Columbia and an expert gambler. Feeling personally affronted, Jury enlists Melrose Plant, Marshall Trueblood, and his whole gang of merry characters to contend with a case that involves Tanzanian gem mines, a closed Reno casino, and a pub that only London’s black cabbies who have the knowledge can find.

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The Old Success (2019)

When the body of a French woman washes up on a wild inlet off the Cornish coast, Brian Macalvie, a divisional commander with the Devon-Cornwall police is called in. Who could have killed this beautiful tourist, the only visible footprints nearby belonging to the two little girls who found her? While Macalvie stands stumped in the Scilly Islands, inspector Richard Jury–twenty miles away on Land’s End—is at the Old Success pub, sharing a drink with the legendary former CID detective Tom Brownell, a man renowned for solving every case he undertook—well, nearly every case. Bronwell discloses that there was one he once missed. In the days following the mysterious slaying of the Parisian tourist, two other murders are called into Macalvie and Jury’s teams: first, a man is shot on a Northamptonshire estate, then a holy duster turns up murdered at Exeter Cathedral in Devon. When Macalvie and Jury decide to consult Bronwell, the retired detective tells them that the three murders, though very different in execution, are connected. As the trio sets out to solve this puzzle, Jury and Macalvie hope that this doesn’t turn out to be Brownell’s second ever miss.