Book Order by Author

Penelope Sky Books in Order

Penelope Sky Books in order 

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Penelope Sky is a fiction writer from the United States known for her dark romance novels.

She is a best-selling author whose books have reached the top of the New York Times bestseller list. Sky entered the publishing world by selling over a million books in her first year as an author. She enjoys putting all of her characters to the test in the context of dark romance. The writer thinks this will ultimately result in a better character arc. She believes that strong women are an essential part of every book. 

Penelope Sky is the creator of the Buttons, Scotch, and Lingerie series. 

Sky lives in a small town in California with her husband. She spends most of her time writing books on the back porch.

Penelope Sky Books in order 


  1. The Banker (2019)
  2. The Dictator (2019)
  3. The Tyrant (2019)


  1. Wife (2019)
  2. Husband (2019)
  3. Lover (2020)
  4. Committed (2020)
  5. First (2020)
  6. Second (2020)
  7. Forever (2020)
  8. Lie (2020)
  9. Secret (2020)
  10. Truth (2020)


  1. Buttons and Lace (2016)
  2. Buttons and Hate (2017)
  3. Buttons and Pain (2017)
  4. Buttons and Shame (2017)
  5. Buttons and Blame (2017)
  6. Buttons and Grace (2018)


  1. The Cult (2021)
  2. The Catacombs (2021)

The Chateau

  1. The Chateau (2020)
  2. The Camp (2021)
  3. The Boss (2021)
  4. The Palace (2021)


  1. Muse in Lingerie (2018)
  2. Beauty in Lingerie (2018)
  3. Lady in Lingerie (2018)
  4. Queen in Lingerie (2018)
  5. Empress in Lingerie (2018)
  6. Fantasy in Lingerie (2018)
  7. Desire in Lingerie (2018)
  8. Sassy in Lingerie (2018)
  9. Sassy in Lingerie (2018)
  10. Fine in Lingerie (2018)
  11. Princess in Lingerie (2018)
  12. Divine in Lingerie (2018)
  13. Dancer in Lingerie (2018)
  14. Fighter in Lingerie (2018)
  15. Lover in Lingerie (2018)


  1. The Scotch King (2017)
  2. The Scotch Queen (2017)
  3. The Scotch Royals (2017)


  1. The Skull King (2019)
  2. The Skull Crusher (2019)
  3. The Skull Ruler (2019)


  1. The Wolf and the Sheep (2018)
  2. The Wolf and His Wife (2019)
  3. The Lone Wolf (2019)

Similar authors

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See also: Natasha Preston Books in Order.

Most recommended books

  1. Truth (Betrothed #10) (4.60 Goodreads score)
  2. Lover in Lingerie (Lingerie, #15) (4.59 Goodreads score)
  3. Fighter in Lingerie (4.56 Goodreads score)
  4. Lie (Betrothed #8) (4.56 Goodreads score)
  5. Secret (Betrothed #9) (4.5 Goodreads score)

Latest releases

Sky’s latest book (and the second book in the Cult series), The Catacombs, was published in 2021.

Book summaries

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The Banker (2019)


They’ve taken my father. They’ll take me next unless I comply with their demands. Taking down the most powerful man in Italy.Cato Marino. The man is accompanied by his security team everywhere he goes. His fortress in Tuscany is impenetrable. He’s the most paranoid man in the country. And there’s no possibility I’ll be able to take him down alone. If I want to save my father, I only have one option. To get into Cato’s bed…and stay there.

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The Dictator (2019)

The only reason I’m still alive is because of the baby growing inside me. My baby saved my life. Now I’m a prisoner inside Cato’s fortress. He’s pissed at me, livid every time he looks at me. He refuses to sleep with me because now I’m the enemy. But I miss him…and he misses me. I only slept with Cato to save my father, but now he means something to me. I care about him, and I know he cares about me. Can I earn his forgiveness? Can I earn his trust? But even if I do, will he shoot me anyway?

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The Tyrant (2019)

I’ve fallen in love with Cato, and I’m not afraid to say it. He doesn’t need to say it back. I know how he feels. Even if he doesn’t have the balls to admit it. Our daughter will be here soon, and our lives will change forever. Will Cato let go of the past? Let go of the promise he made to execute me? Or should I have never come back?

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Wife (2019)

I was twenty-one when the gypsy read my future: As punishment for your crimes, you will only love one woman…but she’ll never love you back.I didn’t believe a word of it. Until I met Sofia Romano almost ten years later.I fell hard for this woman. Would die for this woman. But she left me. Now years have passed and Sofia needs a husband. Her father is gone and her mother is trying to marry her off to a man that can protect their family, protect their company. She’s looking for someone powerful.Check.Someone rich.Check.Someone handsome.Double check. Now it’s my chance to have the only woman I’ve ever loved…and I’ll make sure she feels the same way.I have a lifetime to make that happen.

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Husband (2019)

Two years of bitter loneliness have passed. The woman I love is now the woman I hate. I lose myself in beautiful women every night and tell myself that fortune reading was nothing but a scam. But then her mother asks me to marry her. I say yes. Now this woman will be mine forever. Maybe the prophecy really is true. I’m committing to a woman that will never love me in return.But it was better to be her husband than allow someone else to take my place. It was better to conquer her body every night than be lonely with someone else. Much better.

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Lover (2020)

I lost the only thing that matters to me. My wife. And I’m the only one to blame. I will sacrifice my life, my pride, and everything else for the woman I love. Whether she loves me or not.

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Committed (2020)

I never broke the curse…I just changed it. Now I’m forced into a partnership with Maddox, and since I can’t kill him, I have to tolerate him every day. So Sofia leaves me. I’ve sacrificed everything for her, but it’s never enough. My love for her doesn’t change despite the betrayal. The torture continues. What am I gonna do? I have one option. I said no the first time, but I’m not sure I can say no again…

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First (2020)

Hades retired from the business. Now it’s just me. Look at me now…bitter…angry…depressed. I resent my former friend so much, even hate the guy, but I’ve never been the same since he refused to forgive me. I meet a woman. She’s like all the others…beautiful, interesting, good at the fun stuff, but I don’t feel anything. One woman will love you for you, not your money or your power, but you’ll lose her. And once she’s gone…she’s gone. That gypsy wasn’t right about me too, right? I’ve got trouble on my doorstep when the new Skull King shows up. He wants a cut of my business. Like he’s getting anything. This is all I have left. Once again I become swallowed by the underworld. Will I survive it?

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Second (2020)

She’s gone. But the fortune can’t be true because she means nothing to me. Nothing at all. But the doubt starts to creep in. My thoughts only focus on one thing. The other women no longer satisfy me. It starts to drive me crazy. When I finally confront her, the horror shatters me. She’s marrying someone else.

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Forever (2020)

She’s mine once again but she’s practically a ghost. She’s just using me…not that I mind.But her indifference is suffocating. I mean nothing to her…less than what she used to mean to me. Admissions of regret and apologies aren’t enough to fix it. I have to return to the gypsy…and hope for the best.

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Lie (2020)

Why did I let her go? I can’t answer that. How do you expect me to answer that when I don’t even know? I’m the Skull King. I never let anyone go. When I see her at the bar six weeks later, she’s still the feisty handful that I remember. She owns the room in that tight dress and that fire. Now that she’s not dirty in a locked cage…she’s stunning. She cleans up well. I decide to say hello…and see what happens.

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Secret (2020)

She saved my life. She promised she wouldn’t intervene, that her loyalty was to her family, not me. But she did it anyway. Now everything is different. I can feel it with every kiss, every time she’s underneath me. This isn’t a meaningless fling anymore. It’s so much more. I know it…and she knows it.

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Truth (2020)

I had no idea she was going to tell Damien. If I did, I would have stopped her. I would have told her the truth myself. Now I’m afraid I’m going to lose her…and there’s nothing I can do about it.

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Buttons and Lace (2016)

I owe him a debt. A big one. The payment can’t be settled with money or favors. He only wants one thing. Me. Every action gets a reward. A button. Once I fill his jar with three hundred and sixty-five buttons, he’ll let me go. He’ll let me walk away. But I have to earn every single one. By submitting to the darkest, cruelest, and most beautiful man I’ve ever known.

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Buttons and Hate (2017)

I’m working off my buttons. But I’m also giving them away. The more I fall for Crow, the more I want him to do the things that I want. Dinners, dates, and evenings at the beach. Everything comes at a price, and quickly the hoard of buttons I worked hard to earn is depleted. Will this go back and forth forever? Or will someone run out of their buttons first?

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Buttons and Pain (2017)

When I saw my escape, I took it. Now I’m in New York City and trying to get my life back on track. Despite the tracker in my ankle, Crow hasn’t come for me. He hasn’t even called me. I told him the depth of my feelings but he cruelly rejected them. Maybe he’s forgotten about me. One day, I walk into my apartment and spot a pile of buttons on the counter. I never left them there, and there’s only one explanation for their presence. Maybe Crow hasn’t forgotten me after all.

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Buttons and Shame (2017)

Tristan is one of my biggest clients. He always pays on time, and he always keeps his word. But this time, he’s short on cash. He needs the shipment now, so he offers me collateral. He loans me his slave. Adelina. Now that Pearl and I are so close, I can’t condone this type of exchange. It’s wrong. Inhumane. But she wants me. I can tell. And I definitely want her.

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Buttons and Blame (2017)

I’m supposed to return her to Tristan to finish the deal. But now I’m dreading the day when I have to drop her off. Can I really do it? I’m not supposed to care about this woman. I’m not supposed to care about anyone, actually. But I care about Bellissima.

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Buttons and Grace (2018)

I started a blood war. I’ve made a terrifying enemy. Over a single woman. It was a stupid decision but I don’t have any regrets. Because Bellissima is finally mine.

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The Cult (2021)

I see his wicked smile in the theatre. I see it in the apartment across from mine. I see it everywhere. Before I can run, I’m taken. And when I wake up…I’m in the middle of nowhere. The man who’s taken me claims to be a demon. And claims I’m his angel. What happens when he finds out I don’t have wings? I’m not the only prisoner in this forest. There’s a little girl too. Her name is Claire. She’s beautiful, happy, and wonderful. It’s my responsibility to protect her–and I will give my life to accomplish that. She says her father will save us both. She says he’s powerful, formidable, that he’ll burn this entire forest to get to her. I hope she’s right.

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The Catacombs (2021)

This man is the only thing that keeps me safe. The only thing that makes life worth living. But I know he’s coming…I know he’s out there. And until Benton kills him, he’ll never really be gone.

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The Chateau (2020)

I tried to protect my sister—and now I’ll die because of it. In the wilderness of western France, I’m forced to work in a labor camp. It’s winter. It’s cold. It’s miserable. There’s only one good thing about this place. Magnus. He’s one of the guards—and he might just be my way out of here. Because every time the wind picks up, I hear it.Ring. Ring. Ring.The bells of freedom.The bells from the Chateau. My way out of this place.

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The Camp (2021)

She betrayed me. After everything I did for her. Now I’ll have to suffer the consequences of that mistake. But then I’ll get the revenge that I deserve.

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The Boss (2021)

It’s complicated. Am I allowed to say that? Am I allowed to use that as an excuse to feel something toward the man that runs this place, is the reason I’m here in the first place, as well as my sister Raven? They call him The Boss. I call him Fender. And he calls me Beautiful. I can tell myself I’m just using him to get what I want. But we both know that’s not true.

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The Palace (2021)

A line was drawn in the sand.I made my choice.I picked her over him. But I begin to regret that choice, and when Raven wants to destroy the camp, I know I’ll regret it even more.

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Muse in Lingerie (2018)

My brother got mixed up with a crime lord and lost everything he had, including his life. And now I have to pay his debt. All I have is 20 bucks in my pocket and the clothes on my back. The bank took the house, and my last living relative was murdered. Knuckles threatened to torture me if I ran. He’s counting down the days until he’ll claim me…making me treasure my final days of freedom. But I’m not going to wait around. I’m running like hell. To Milan. The greatest lingerie designer in the world is looking for new talent for Barsetti Lingerie. I’m not exactly model material, but maybe I can get a job doing something…and get paid under the table. But when I meet the infamous Conway Barsetti, he has other plans for me. Did I just run away from one monster into the arms of another?

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Beauty in Lingerie (2018)

Conway Barsetti doesn’t want me to be a model anymore. He wants to keep me all to himself. I inspire him in ways no one else does. Now I’m living with him in his beautiful mansion, and I don’t feel like a prisoner anymore. I’m free to do what I want, with some limitations. But he treats me so coldly, seeing me as an object rather than a person. His family comes by for lunch and he tells me to stay in my room so they won’t see me. But I have a better idea. I’ll make them believe I’m his girlfriend, that we live together, and we’re in love. Unless he treats me better, I’ll tell his parents and sister what our arrangement really is. And humiliate him.

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Lady in Lingerie (2018)

I refuse to let this woman have any power over me. She’s just my prisoner. But once my Muse is in trouble, I’ll do anything to save her. Anything to protect her. She was supposed to inspire me, please me. She was never supposed to care about me. Or make me care about her.

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Queen in Lingerie (2018)

Muse told the world how she felt about me. Instead of feeling joy, I felt terror. This isn’t what I want. This isn’t how our relationship is supposed to be. I end things because I have no other choice. But I struggle to cope with my misery, to sleep in an empty bed without her beside me.

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Empress in Lingerie (2018)

I’m Vanessa Barsetti, the daughter of the infamous Crow Barsetti. My father taught me how to fight. If a man lays a hand on me, I’ll put him in his grave. As a Barsetti, I’m proud, stubborn, and don’t take nonsense from anybody. I walk home from a bar and take the wrong path. And witness a brutal crime. The murderer won’t let me go. He’s handsome, lethal, and terrifying. With tattoos on his forearms and a presence full of threat, he’s a shade of evil I’ve never encountered. And then he tells me the most terrifying thing of all. His name is Bones.

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Fantasy in Lingerie (2018)

Bones is the son of the man who killed my aunt. He’s the descendant of a psychopath, a murderer. His handsome face, blue eyes, and strong physique can fool anyone into believing he’s a good man. Including me. My loyalty to my family makes me despise him. But I also can’t stop thinking about him. Thinking about his kiss.

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Desire in Lingerie (2018)

Bones is a man I despise. He gives bad blood a whole new definition. But he’s not exactly who I thought he was. Maybe men can change. But it doesn’t matter how I feel about him. My father would never approve. He’d never let me love a man like him.

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Sassy in Lingerie (2018)

I’m risking everything for Vanessa. One last time. I can’t turn the other way and let her family be murdered by the Skull Kings. I have to do something. Maybe I can earn her father’s trust. And finally get my woman back

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Sassy in Lingerie (2018)

I’m not sure how it happened. But I’ve fallen in love with my family’s enemy.I try to move on but I can’t. He’s the only man I want. Now I have to choose between the man I love. And my family.

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Fine in Lingerie (2018)

I’ve decided to keep her. I paid for her, after all. I should feel guilty for the decision I’ve made, but why? She prefers me to her previous master anyway. And it’s not like my father didn’t do the same thing when he was my age. I’m rich, powerful, and untouchable. I’m a Barsetti, and I can do whatever I please.

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Princess in Lingerie (2018)

This woman used to be my slave. But now she means more to me. More than she should. I’ve done unforgivable things to her, treated her like livestock I bought at the market. I made her tend to my needs without question. To make up for it, I should let her go. But even now I can’t. Instead, I want her to marry me. Whether she wants to or not.

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Divine in Lingerie (2018)

My father has made his decision and he won’t change it. I’m about to lose the love of my life. How can I ever go on without him? I’ll never love anyone else the way I love him. Can this really be the end?

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Dancer in Lingerie (2018)

Griffin offered to take me home but I refused, knowing he needed to get Vanessa home. I walked to my apartment and took a short cut down an alleyway. That was the worst mistake of my life. Four men grabbed me. I fought them off, but when the barrel of a gun was pressed between my eyes, I knew the game was up. But then a man appeared from the shadows and scared the men away like rats. Tall, dark, and handsome. His name is Bosco Roth. He just saved my life, but he didn’t do it for free. He wants something in return. A kiss. A hot and passionate kiss right up against the wall. But that kiss is just the beginning.

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Fighter in Lingerie (2018)

Bosco Roth is a crime lord. The owner of the biggest underground casino. He’s the kind of man who gets what he wants. He’s got the best poker face in the world. Now he wants me. When things become too intense, I hit the brakes and make a run for it. But one problem…he won’t let me go. Now I belong to Bosco Roth.

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Lover in Lingerie (2018)

I know this has no future. Only heartbreak. Bosco Roth may be the man I’ve fallen for, but he’ll never be the man I marry. He’s too dangerous. Too risky. When our three months is over, I’ll walk away. At least that’s what I keep telling myself…

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The Scotch King (2017)

Joseph Ingram made the mistake of stealing from me – four million dollars. He took my intelligence without paying for it. And thought he could get away with it. Think again. Now I’ll take something from him – something irreplaceable. His sister.Collateral.But even when Joseph doubles the amount of money he owes me, I don’t give her up. Nope. I have an image to maintain. So I keep her. And I’m not giving her up.

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The Scotch Queen (2017)

I wasn’t sure what changed my mind about giving London to Bones, but something did. Now London is officially mine. She’s sassy and feisty, and she still tells me off when I have her under my thumb. I love it. Now I have a deal with the Barsetti brothers, Josephine is still pining for me, and revenge is heavy on my mind. I’m not sure what to do with London now that I’m not gonna kill her. But I’m certainly not going to fall in love with her.

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The Scotch Royals (2017)

London is a lot more useful than I anticipated. She gets me what I need like a pro. With her by my side, I feel like I can do anything. My need for revenge is dimmed. My anger is contained. But her brother is still a problem. She wants me to let him go. I’m not sure if I can.

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The Skull King (2019)

My husband is cruel, ruthless, and despicable.I hate him with every fiber of my being. The only reason I haven’t killed him or tried to run away is because of the promise I made. I sold myself to save someone I loved…and this is the price I have to pay.I was sitting alone in a bar when the most handsome man walked inside. Striking blue eyes, cheekbones as sharp as glass, and a muscular body fit for a war. He was gorgeous. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. When he bought me a drink, I didn’t say no. I’d been unfulfilled for so long, and I wanted a real man for the night. My husband had his affairs so why couldn’t I?I noticed the peculiar ring on his right hand, a diamond carved into a skull. If only I’d known what that meant, I would have known who this man was. The Skull King.

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The Skull Crusher (2019)

Balto stole me from Lucian without raising a finger.I thought I would finally be free, finally, get my life back. But Balto has other plans for me. Now I’m his prisoner. He’ll keep me and enjoy me as long as he wants. Until Lucian gives him back the Skull Diamond.I never want to return to Lucian again, not after being with a man like Balto. The only chance I have is to become more valuable than that diamond, to have Balto want me enough not to trade me back to Lucian.But can I ever compete with a diamond worth billions?

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The Skull Ruler (2019)

Instead of handing me back to Lucian so Balto can get everything he wants, he keeps me. He pledges to fight for me until I’m free. But as the weeks pass, freedom isn’t as appealing as it used to be. This place has become my home. This man is my home. I’m not sure if I’d ever want to leave…even if Lucian was dead.

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The Wolf and the Sheep (2018)

Till death do us part. My father married me off to one of the most powerful men in Italy.Maverick DeVille. But I call him the wolf. He calls me his sheep. The arranged marriage was detested by us both, but we had to make sacrifices for the right reasons. He needed to avenge his mother and I needed protection from the mobs that want to torture me. He’s not what I pictured for my husband. He’s ruthless, calloused, and cold. His walls are higher than mine. He possesses cruelty that makes him feared. But it doesn’t take long for me to respect him…even like him. I rely on my husband more than anyone else in the world. He provides for me, protects me, and chases away all my fears. He lets me graze in the meadow…not a care in the world. Because the wolf is always watching.

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The Wolf and His Wife (2019)

Tensions rise and now I have two enemies that want me dead. But I’ve never felt safer. My wolf protects me. He cherishes me. And I think he loves me. This arranged marriage was detested by us both, but now I look at him with new eyes. My husband is strong, smart, and gorgeous. His coffee-colored eyes make me melt. My heart slowly starts to soften for this man and I fall deeper and deeper. I fall in love with my husband.

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The Lone Wolf (2019)

My gravest mistake was falling in love with my husband. It crept up on me so slowly that I didn’t even notice it was happening until it arrived. I assumed he felt the same way every time he kissed me…every time he touched me. Until he proved me wrong. Kamikaze is dead, so I don’t need him for protection anymore. Divorce is all I want now. I’ll find a man that will love me the way I deserve, that won’t bring home two strange women just to hurt me.I don’t need him. Now it’s time to start over.