Book Order by Author

Lorna Barrett Books in Order

Lorna Barrett Books in Order

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Lorraine Bartlett is an American author who goes by the pen name Lorna Barret. Barrett was encouraged to write under alternative names, so she could write both psychological thrillers and cozy mysteries. She was worried that playing with different sub-genres would mislead her fans.

Lorna Barrett is most known for the Booktown mysteries, while Lorraine Bartlett is best known for the Victoria Square mysteries.

Lorna Barrett never intended to be a published novelist. She considered herself to be much too average. When she discovered Star Trek fanzines, everything changed. They gave her the opportunity to write down the stories she had in her head.

Her mother is to blame for her desire to create mysteries. She was a huge fan of the genre and read it all the time. Barrett’s fascination with mysteries was piqued by the cop shows she watched. But soon she understood that writing mysteries was more difficult than anticipated.

The writer admits that some books are easier to write than others. Barrett, for example, completed ‘Dark Waters’ in under two months, while some other novels took her over a year to write. 

Lorna Barrett Books in order 

Booktown Mystery

  1. Murder is Binding (2008)
  2. Bookmarked for Death (2009)
  3. Bookplate Special (2009)
  4. Chapter and Hearse (2010)
  5. Sentenced to Death (2011)
  6. Murder on the Half Shelf (2012)
  7. Not the Killing Type (2013)
  8. Book Clubbed (2014)
  9. A Fatal Chapter (2015)
  10. Title Wave (2016)
  11. A Just Clause (2017)
  12. Poisoned Pages (2018)
  13. A Killer Edition (2019)
  14. Handbook for Homicide (2020)
  15. A Deadly Deletion (2021)
  16. Clause of Death (2022)

Jeff Resnick Mystery

  1. Murder on the Mind (2005)
  2. Dead in Red (2008)
  3. Cheated By Death (2010)
  4. Cold Case (2010)
  5. Bound by Suggestion (2011)
  6. Room at the Inn (2012)
  7. Dark Waters (2013)
  8. Eyewitness (2015)
  9. Happy Holidays (2015)
  10. Shattered Spirits (2016)
  11. A Part of the Pattern (2017)
  12. Bah! Humbug (2010)
  13. When the Spirit Moves You (2011)
  14. Spooked! (2014)
  15. Crybaby (2015)
  16. Evolution: Jeff Resnick’s Backstory (2014)

Life On Victoria Square

  1. Carving Out A Path (2017)
  2. A Basket Full of Bargains (2017)
  3. The Broken Teacup (2017)
  4. It’s Tutu Much (2018)
  5. The Reluctant Bride (2019)
  6. Tea’d Off (2019)
  7. A Look Back (2020)
  8. Tea For You (2020)
  9. Davenport Designs (2021)

Victoria Square Mystery

  1. A Crafty Killing (2010)
  2. The Walled Flower (2012)
  3. One Hot Murder (2013)
  4. Dead, Bath, and Beyond (2016)
  5. Yule Be Dead (2018)
  6. Murder Ink (2019)
  7. A Murderous Misconception (2020)
  8. Dead Man’s Hand (2021)

Lotus Bay Mysteries

  1. Panty Raid (2014)
  2. With Bated Breath (2015)
  3. Christmas at Swans Nest (2016)
  4. A Reel Catch (2018)
  5. The Best From Swans Nest (2019)

Tales of Telenia

  1. Stranded (2012)
  2. Journey (2013)

Tales from Blythe Cove Manor

  1. A Dream Weekend (2016)
  2. A Final Gift (2016)
  3. An Unexpected Visitor (2016)
  4. Grape Expectations (2018)
  5. Foul Weather Friends (2019)
  6. Blythe Cove Seasons (2019)

Standalone Novel

  1. Prisoner of Love (2010)
  2. An Unconditional Love (2010)
  3. We’re So Sorry, Uncle Albert (2010)
  4. Sabina Reigns (2020)

Short Stories

  1. Abused: A Daughter’s Story (2010)
  2. Love Heals (2011)
  3. Blue Christmas (2013)
  4. Off Script (2016)

Short Story Collections

  1. Love & Murder (2013)

Standalone Non-fiction

  1. Recipes to Die For (2011)

Cozy Chicks Kitchen Non-Fiction

  1. The Cozy Chicks Kitchen (2012)
  2. The Cozy Chicks Kitchen (2012)
  3. Tea Time with the Cozy Chicks (2015)

Similar authors

  • Cleo Coyle’s Coffeehouse Mystery follows Clare Cosi. She moves to a quieter and suburban life, but she’s back in action serving coffee and solving mysteries.
  • Jenn McKinlay’s Library Lover’s Mystery revolves around Lindsey Norris, the library director. She must solve a murder in her small Connecticut town before anyone else leaves.

See also: Diane Mott Davidson Books in Order.

Most recommended books

  1. Poisoned Pages (Booktown Mystery, #12) (3.99 Goodreads score)
  2. Handbook for Homicide (Booktown Mystery #14) (3.95 Goodreads score)
  3. Murder in Three Volumes (3.93 Goodreads score)
  4. A Fatal Chapter (Booktown Mystery, #9) (3.91 Goodreads score)
  5. A Deadly Deletion (Booktown Mystery, #15) (3.90 Goodreads score)


In 2009, Barrett received an Agatha Award nomination.

Upcoming releases

The newest Lorna Barrett book is called Clause of Death. It is the 16th book in the Booktown Mystery series and will be published in June 2022.

Book summaries

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Murder is Binding (2008)

When she moved to Stoneham, city slicker Tricia Miles met nothing but friendly faces. And when she opened her mystery bookstore, she met friendly competition. But when she finds Doris Gleason dead in her own cookbook store, killed by a carving knife, the atmosphere seems more cutthroat than cordial. Someone wanted to get their hands on the rare cookbook that Doris had recently purchased-and the locals think that someone is Tricia. To clear her name, Tricia will have to take a page out of one of her own mysteries-and hunt down someone who isn’t killing by the book.

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Bookmarked for Death (2009)

What do a stone book and a stabbed cake have to do with Zoë Carter’s death?To celebrate her bookstore’s anniversary, Tricia Miles hosts a book signing for bestselling author Zoë Carter. But the event takes a terrible turn when the author is found dead in the washroom. Before long, both police and reporters are demanding the real story. So far, the author’s obnoxious assistant/niece is the only suspect. And with a sheriff who provides more obstacles than answers, Tricia will have to take matters into her own hands–and read between the lines to solve this mystery….

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Bookplate Special (2009)

The kinder folks of Stoneham might call Pammy Fredericks a free spirit. The less kind, a freeloading thief. Tricia has put up–and put up with–her uninvited college roommate for weeks. In return, Pammy, has stolen $100, among other things. But the day she’s kicked out, Pammy’s found dead in a dumpster, leaving loads of questions unanswered. Like what was she foraging for? Did her killer want it too? To piece the case together, Tricia will have to dive in head-first…

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Chapter and Hearse (2010)

Mystery bookstore owner Tricia Miles has been spending more time solving whodunits than reading them. Now a nearby gas explosion has injured Tricia’s sister’s boyfriend, Bob Kelly, the head of the Chamber of Commerce, and killed the owner of the town’s history bookstore. Tricia’s never been a fan of Bob, but when she reads that he’s being tight-lipped about the “accident”, it’s time to take action.

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Sentenced to Death (2011)

It’s Founder’s Day in Stoneham and the whole village has turned out to celebrate in the square, including Tricia’s friend and festivities organizer Deborah Black. As everyone watches Deborah give the opening speech, a small aircraft crashes into the village gazebo, killing both Deborah and the pilot. While the Sheriff’s Department is convinced that it was an accident, Tricia has a feeling that there’s more to the story. And when she reads between the lines of the case, what she finds is worse than the most sinister whodunit…

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Murder on the Half Shelf (2012)

Stoneham, New Hampshire, is a haven to bookstores, including Tricia’s own mystery shop, Haven’t Got a Clue, but is sadly lacking in bed and breakfasts. Pippa and Jon Comfort’s Sheer Comfort Inn opens its doors to the public in a week and the couple has offered some locals a free night as a trial run.But what should have been a pleasant overnight stay for Tricia becomes a nightmare when she makes two startling discoveries: Pippa’s murdered body in the backyard, and the fact that her husband Jon is actually Harry Tyler, a man Tricia loved—and believed dead—for nearly twenty years.Now Harry is the prime suspect, but Tricia doesn’t believe him capable of murder, regardless of her own feelings toward him. And even though Harry’s led a life of lies, Tricia’s learning that Pippa had her share of secrets that some people may have not wanted revealed…

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Not the Killing Type (2013)

It’s November in Stoneham, New Hampshire, and time for the Chamber of Commerce elections. The long-standing Chamber president is being challenged by a former lover—Tricia’s own sister, Angelica. Also throwing his hat in the ring is small business owner Stan Berry. Unfortunately, Stan isn’t in the race for long.When Stan is found murdered, his political rivals become suspects. Angelica is going to need more than a vote of confidence from her sister—she needs Tricia to clear her name so she can win the election.Tricia soon uncovers a ballot box full of lies and betrayals, and a chamber full of people who had grudges against the victim. But were they serious enough to lead to murder? It’s up to Tricia to pull the lever on a killer before it’s curtains for someone else.

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Book Clubbed (2014)

Cranky Chamber of Commerce receptionist Betsy Dittmeyer is done reading people the riot act. After she’s crushed by a fallen bookcase, the next item to be read is her last will and testament–which is packed with surprises. It soon comes to light that Betsy was hiding volumes of dark secrets behind that perpetual frown of hers–and one of them just might have been a motive for murder.While Tricia tries to help Angelica–the newly elected Chamber of Commerce president and Betsy’s boss–solve the mystery, she discovers a hidden chapter in her own family history that rocks her to her very core. And with her ex-husband and the chief of police vying for her affections, it’s doubly hard to focus on who might have buried Betsy in a tomb of tomes.But as Tricia and Angelica try to read between the lines, they need to watch their step…and make sure the killer doesn’t catch them between the stacks.

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A Fatal Chapter (2015)

While out walking Sarge, her sister’s bichon frise, bookshop owner Tricia Miles is led by the agitated dog to a man lying in a gazebo. She’s startled when she recognizes Pete Renquist, the president of the Stoneham Historical Society, who appears to be suffering from cardiac arrest. When Pete later dies at the hospital, the discovery of a suspicious bruise and a puncture mark on his arm suggests he may have been murdered. Haunted by Pete’s enigmatic last words to her, Tricia begins to consider who had a motive to kill her friend. Did Pete take his flirting too far, only to have a jealous husband teach him a lesson? Or did he discover something in the town’s historical records that his killer wanted kept secret? Tricia is determined to get to the bottom of things before someone else becomes history…

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Title Wave (2016)

While her bookstore, Haven’t Got a Clue, is rebuilt following a devastating fire, Tricia Miles and her sister, Angelica, decide to book a cruise for some much needed R & R. Naturally they choose a mystery lovers cruise, where they can ponder whodunit in deck chairs while sipping colorful drinks and soaking up some rays.But the fun is cut short when a fellow passenger is murdered for real. Is the killer a famous mystery author, one of her fans, or a member of the ship’s crew? As Tricia tries to find the killer before they reach port, she may be cruising for a bruising..

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A Just Clause (2017)

Tricia Miles, mystery bookstore owner and amateur sleuth, is in for a surprise when her ne’er-do-well father, John, comes to town—and promptly becomes a prime suspect in the murder of a woman with her own scandalous past. Even Tricia’s faith in the old man is shaken when the Stoneham police break the news that her father is a known con man who has done jail time. But what about bestselling thriller author Steven Richardson? Is it a coincidence that he arrived for a book signing just before the crime or that the victim was found with a signed copy of his latest bestseller? From merlot to murder, Tricia is determined to clear the family name before another body shows up and ruins Stoneham’s first—and highly anticipated—wine and jazz festival.

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Poisoned Pages (2018)

Tricia Miles, mystery bookstore owner and amateur sleuth, throws a housewarming cocktail party in her new apartment and has cooked all the food by herself—quite a feat for someone who previously couldn’t boil water. Then one of her guests is poisoned and dies. Tricia’s left to wonder if her cooking is to blame or if there’s something much more sinister at play. Either way, Tricia’s once again in hot water with her ex-lover, Chief Baker.Meanwhile the charming town of Stoneham is being disrupted by a vandalism crime wave. It’s the hot topic in the race for Chamber of Commerce president which sees Tricia pitted against two bitter rivals. With all that’s going on can she find the killer before she’s the next item on the menu?

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A Killer Edition (2019)

With her assistant, Pixie, picking up more responsibility around the shop, Tricia Miles suddenly has a lot more time on her hands. Tricia decides to join the local animal-rescue board and enter the Great Stoneham Bake-Off, but neither pans out as smoothly as she’d hoped. Balancing a bake-off that’s heating up with a frosty reception from the board, Tricia stops by Joyce Whitman’s romance bookstore looking for a book to get her fired up. She stumbles on something hot, but it’s an argument between Joyce and her neighbor Vera Olson instead of a steamy read. When Vera turns up dead in Joyce’s garden hours later, Tricia has to wonder—could Joyce be the killer? Or is the culprit still lurking in town? One thing is for sure, someone in Stoneham is stirring up something more sinister than sweet. Tricia is determined to win the cutthroat cooking contest, but first she will have to make sure no one else is in danger of getting burned….

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Handbook for Homicide (2020)

Haven’t Got A Clue bookshop owner Tricia Miles’s relationship is on the rocks. After a not-so-fun vacation with her on-again-off-again lover, Marshall Cambridge, Tricia’s hoping for smooth sailing back in Stoneham. Unfortunately Booktown greets her not with blue skies but with another body.When Tricia’s assistant manager, Pixie, finds homeless vet Susan Morris’s body behind Haven’t Got A Clue, Pixie’s checkered past makes her the prime suspect. Tricia sets out to clear Pixie’s name armed with only an anchor insignia earring found at the scene of the crime.As Tricia digs deeper she discovers Susan was involved in a scandal right before retiring from the Navy—but since nobody in the village knows Susan, even Tricia’s one lead is in danger of drying up. With family drama brewing in the background and all of Stoneham convinced her manager is a murderer, Tricia knows she has to get to the bottom of the case soon before Pixie’s life is sunk.

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A Deadly Deletion (2021)

Tricia Miles has just received a second marriage proposal within fifteen minutes. The first was from her friend with benefits, Marshall Chambers, and the second from her ex-lover, police chief Grant Baker. Tricia’s got some serious thinking to do.She’s still weighing her options when she hears the sound of an engine roaring down Main Street. It’s a big white pickup truck that aims for and hits Marshall as he’s walking back to his apartment. Tragically, he’s killed, leaving Tricia feeling bereft and guilty. She retreats to her sister, Angelica’s, apartment to wait for Baker to update her on what happened. While there, Tricia takes Angelica’s dog out for a comfort call behind the building, and the same white pickup roars up the alley and just misses hitting Tricia.Still shaken by that news, Tricia returns to Haven’t Got a Clue and is met by federal marshal Kirby, who tells her that Marshall had been in the Federal Witness Protection Program. Everything Marshall told Tricia was a lie—in particular, that he was a widower. Was his death an act of revenge?Tricia’s on the hunt for a killer, and it seems like she might be next on the list.

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Clause of Death (2022)

Tricia Miles and her sister, Angelica, are the co-presidents of the Stoneham Chamber of Commerce. Things are changing in the booktown, and some merchants would say not for the better. They grumble that too many non-book-related stores are moving into the village, taking up the most visible storefronts on Main Street, diluting the “Booktown” moniker. Of course, the members with other businesses, like the latest, The Bee’s Knees, are fine with other businesses moving in. No matter what side of the argument they’re on, all the business owners agree on one thing: Tricia and Angelica are to blame. Still, it’s a pretty typical day in the life of a small-town Chamber of Commerce until one of the disgruntled bookstore owners is killed—Eli Meier from The Inner Light Bookstore, the most vocal of the Chamber complainers. He sold religious and other spiritual books, but also stocked books on wild conspiracy theories and sold incense, crystals, etc. Eli had never been a member of the Chamber until Angelica recently convinced him to join. He hit on her and she, having good taste, turned him down. He hounded (but not stalked) her, and some might think that was a motive for murder. Stoneham’s new police chief is an old friend of Tricia’s, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to go easy on her sister. One might even say that he’s going to throw the book at her.

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Murder on the Mind (2005)

Jeff Resnick hardly knew his well-heeled half-brother. But after suffering a fractured skull in a vicious mugging, he reluctantly accepts the fact that he has a long and brutal recovery to face—and his closest of kin can provide him with the time and place to do it.Now, Jeff is haunted by unexplained visions of a heinous crime—a banker, stalked, killed, and eviscerated like a ten-point buck. When Matt Sumner’s murder is discovered, a still-recovering Jeff realizes this was what he had seen. Jeff must not only convince himself of his new-found psychic ability, but also his skeptical brother Richard Alpert. Since Sumner was Richard’s banker, both brothers have a stake in finding out what happened. With Richard’s reluctant help, Jeff’s investigation leads him to Sumner’s belligerent family and hard-nosed business associates, none of whom want him snooping around.When Jeff discovers a second victim, he knows he must relentlessly chase his quarry even if it means risking his brother’s life

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Dead in Red (2008)

A sparkling red shoe and a bloody handprint define a man’s death.Sometimes it seems like murder and mayhem follow Jeff Resnick, challenging his psychic “sixth sense” to solve crimes. Since the vicious mugging that changed his life, he’s tried to keep his unwanted gift in check. But when a bartender at his favorite watering hole is murdered, visions of a sparkling red woman’s high-heeled shoe and a pair of bloody hands linger in his mind–and hit too close to home. When Jeff’s older brother, Richard, last helped him with an investigation, it nearly cost him his life. Still, Richard is determined to tag along as Jeff is drawn into the seamy world of fetishes and drag queens to find a murderer before another life is taken.

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Cheated By Death (2010)

Jeff Resnick faces a new dilemma: someone is stalking his sister-in-law, Brenda, who fears that violence from protesters will escalate near the women’s clinic where she works. Or could the vandalism, threatening phone calls, and letters against her have come from her abusive ex-husband? Meanwhile, Jeff grapples with meeting his estranged father and the sister he never knew existed. Could Patty Resnick be the key to Brenda’s stalker? And what has that got to do with the death of his brother Richard’s colleague?

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Cold Case (2010)

Psychic Jeff Resnick has no expectations when investigating the disappearance of a four-year-old boy– until he confronts the mind responsible. It’s a shattering experience for all involved.

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Bound by Suggestion (2011)

Jeff Resnick will do just about anything to avoid the miserable headaches that haunt him after being viciously mugged. Dr. Krista Marsh promises a cure—but only if he helps unlock the emotions of a disturbed young woman. Jeff knows he’s being manipulated, but can’t seem to walk away from the power Krista holds over him. Things spiral out of control as Jeff’s brother, Richard, gets caught up with hospital politics. Blackmail and murder are only two of threats the brothers face in this provocative thriller

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Room at the Inn (2012)

Jeff Resnick is definitely out of his element when he and Maggie take a working vacation at a quaint Vermont inn. For most people, the chance to spend time with a beautiful woman in a romantic, isolated setting would be a plus, but the moment Jeff crosses the Sugar Maple Inn’s threshold, his sixth sense warns him that someone is about to meet a violent death.His anxiety intensifies when he travels on one of the local roads and he is nearly overwhelmed by feelings of impending doom. Ultimately, Jeff can only find respite in his brother Richard’s presence and it is only after one of the inn’s guests is murdered that Richard reluctantly becomes a third wheel on Jeff and Maggie’s trip. With their own lives at stake, Jeff, Maggie, and Richard must use all their wits and skill to bring a ruthless killer to justice. And if they don’t, one of them might just become the next victim.

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Dark Waters (2013)

A near death experience is only the beginning of Jeff Resnick’s troubles. Family comes to town, but one of them, a nephew who reminds Jeff of the thugs who mugged him, has unsettled him. He’s on edge. The fact that his brother has taken possession of an expensive boat through an IRS auction takes his mind off the bad vibes he’s getting from other relatives. But that yacht holds a deadly secret, one destined to turn his world upside down. Will Jeff figure out the puzzle before his vision of near death becomes a reality?

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Eyewitness (2015)

It’s been two years since the mugging that nearly killed him, and Jeff Resnick is finally putting his life back together. But his sense of peace is shattered when the detective investigating his wife’s murder calls to update him on the cold case. Jeff’s wonders if his sixth sense can help him find the man who killed Shelley Resnick–and what would he do if he does?

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Happy Holidays (2015)

The best thing about the holiday season is spending time with family. At the same time, sometimes the worst thing about the holiday season is spending time with family. The stories in this collection touch on that and more as Mandy Nichols, Jeff Resnick, and Judi Straub struggle through what’s supposed to be the joyous season. One family contemplates murder; another wants to end what they see as a bad relationship, while another can only see their loved one for what she can do for them. Sound familiar?Happy Holidays? puts the Christmas fun into dysfunction!

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Shattered Spirits (2016)

If it weren’t for bad luck, Jeff Resnick would have no luck at all!While riding his new racing bike, Jeff is hit by an SUV, an accident which has a cascade effect on his life. He loses his job to a replacement, his girlfriend pressures him to move in, his bank accounts are hacked, and a restless spirit begs for his help—all in less than a week. But it’s soon apparent that his so-called random accident is anything but, and the murder of a close friend has a hobbled Jeff on the run. Can he discover who’s out to destroy his life—and threaten those he loves most?

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A Part of the Pattern (2017)

Ex-insurance investigator Jeff Resnick finds himself drawn to solving crimes. His brother, Richard, thinks that could be the basis of a paying business. Reluctantly, Jeff agrees, and their first case is about a child who vanished more than two decades before. Meanwhile, Jeff bumps into an acquaintance whose history is very similar to that of the missing girl. Is it coincidence or is there a pattern that links him to her and his future?

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Bah! Humbug (2010)

It’s Christmas Day, and Richard and Brenda are off to warmer climes, leaving Jeff and Maggie to spend Christmas dinner with Maggie’s family. But the Brennan clan has not rolled out the welcome mat for Jeff. It’ll be a Christmas to remember . . . but who wants to?

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When the Spirit Moves You (2011)

A mini mystery. This novelette takes place after the Jeff Resnick Mystery DEAD IN RED. (12,400 words)Jeff Resnick’s curiosity is piqued when he sees a sign advertising psychic readings. At first he’s sure the medium is a fake, but then his funny feelings lead him to suspect that a murder has taken place in the dilapidated house where Madam Zahara holds her readings. Just who died and how? And why is Jeff compelled to look for bodies buried in the medium’s yard?

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Spooked! (2014)

The trick-or-treaters have gone home and now it’s time for the adults to celebrate All Hallows Eve. When Maggie suggests they consult an Ouija board, Jeff Resnick thinks it’ll be anything but fun. And when they conjure up a ghost from Jeff’s past, the game turns dangerous for the most vulnerable person in his life.

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Crybaby (2015)

Jeff Resnick—babysitter? It wasn’t a reference that had ever graced his personal résumé, but when he’s entrusted to care for his brother’s most prized possession—his infant daughter—Jeff is tested in ways he could never have anticipated. With his girlfriend Maggie unavailable, Jeff has only one person he can turn to for advice when his tiny niece falls ill on his watch.

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Evolution: Jeff Resnick’s Backstory (2014)

A collection of short stories chronicling Jeff Resnick’s (and that of his brother, Richard Albert) back story. What forces molded these men into the people they are today? Find out in the eleven thought-provoking tales that span from their first meeting, until two years before Murder On The Mind.

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Carving Out A Path (2017)

A young shoplifter not only swipes a couple of hand-carved figurines from Ray Davenport, owner of Victoria Square’s Wood U gift shop, but barrels into and injures Katie Bonner, manager of Artisans Alley. Upon his escape, the police are called, but before the ink is dry on the report, the boy’s grandmother drags the would-be thief back to return the purloined items. She’s got an agenda and great expectations? Can Ray come through in a pinch?

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A Basket Full of Bargains (2017)

Iris Drake is an odd duck. She knows everyone at Artisans Alley arts-and-crafts arcade, but nobody knows her. When she walks into Gilda’s Gourmet Basket on Victoria Square, she’s a stranger there, too—but not for long. Yet she hasn’t to come to Gilda to buy her wares—she’s there to sell some of her own. All goes well until Iris’s secret is exposed. Should Gilda step in to make things right, or walk away from an unpleasant situation?

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The Broken Teacup (2017)

You know about Victoria Square thanks to the Victoria Square Mysteries. Artisans Alley takes center stage in those books, but the merchants—and their businesses—are just as intriguing. They all have stories to tell … and that’s what the Life on Victoria Square companion series is all about. So settle back and really get to know the merchants. Learn about their lives, and how life on Victoria Square affects them. It might just make a profound impression on you, too!THE BROKEN TEACUP: Katie Bonner needs a pick-me-up one cold and gloomy fall day, and the US Mail delivers—literally. A mysterious package arrives at Artisans Alley with her name on it, but the return address is obscured and the treasure inside, a beautiful bone china teacup, is broken. Before Katie can open the accompanying card, she’s called away and one of the vendors mistakes the package for trash. Katie makes a quick rescue, but the card is gone. Who sent the cup? What is its significance? Can Katie solve this mini mystery?

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It’s Tutu Much (2018)

Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. Dana Milton finally opens her own dance studio and one of her Broadway Babies (age 8) is a classic tyrant. Can she teach her students about respect for one another—and when it’s time to stand up for oneself, or is it all tutu much?

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The Reluctant Bride (2019)

Don Parsons and Nick Ferrell bought a ramshackle Victorian spinster and plan to transform her into a Painted Lady. Weddings and other parties are a part of their business plan. they’ll be hosting a small ceremony and reception for bride-to-be Lauren Washborne … except she doesn’t seem all that enthusiastic about her upcoming nuptials. Don wants to know why—but Nick is against the idea. Will Lauren have a chance to live happily ever after, or will her suitor be left at the altar?

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Tea’d Off (2019)

With the grand relaunch of Victoria Square’s tea shop, Tealicious, just days away, Nona Fiske decides it’s time to sabotage it and its owner, Katie Bonner. With gossip, innuendo, and outright lies, Nona tries to turn the other merchants on the Square against Katie. But Katie has learned how to deal with people like Nona. Can she kill with kindness?

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A Look Back (2020)

On the anniversary of her great Aunt Lizzie’s death, Katie Bonner reflects on the course of events that led her to be the custodian of Artisans Alley–from the moment her husband took their money and invested it in a dying business to the death of its founder, Ezra Hilton. And it’s with tears of sadness and joy that Katie contemplates her uncertain future.

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Tea For You (2020)

We hope you enjoy this complimentary cookbooklet based on the Victoria Square Mysteries and the Life On Victoria Square companion series. They feature Katie Bonner, owner of Victoria Square’s anchor, Artisans Alley, and the Square’s tea shop, Tealicious. She is also the president of the Victoria Square Merchants Association.These are some of the recipes Katie and Telicious’s chef/manager, Brad Andrews, prepare for their customers. We hope you enjoy them, too.If you enjoy this cookbooklet, please tell your friends and family about it and the Victoria Square Mysteries and Life on Victoria Square.

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Davenport Designs (2021)

Former Sheriff’s Office detective Ray Davenport now owns the Wood U gift shop on Victoria Square, but it’s his talented younger daughters who steal the show with their displays and packaging designs. The girls believe they can earn money by their window dressing skills for the other businesses on the Square, but the only merchant who hires them conspires to reap the rewards of their labor without paying a cent. Will they have to swallow their pride and ask Katie Bonner for help to get what’s owed them?

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A Crafty Killing (2010)

The last thing Katie Bonner wanted was to become the manager of Artisans Alley. But when her business partner, Ezra Hilton, is found bludgeoned to death, she has no other choice. Business under Ezra has been faltering-but was it enough to provoke someone to murder? Only Katie can find the answer.

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The Walled Flower (2012)

If Katie Bonner’s late husband hadn’t invested all their savings in the crafts fair Artisans Alley, the Webster mansion could have been hers to remodel into a bed-and-breakfast. Instead that dream belongs to another young couple. But that dream becomes a nightmare when a skeleton is discovered sealed in the walls of the mansion. The bones belong to Helen Winston, who went missing twenty-two years ago. Heather’s aunt, a jewelry vendor at Artisans Alley, asks Kate for help finding her niece’s murderer. The case may be cold, but the killer is very much alive-and ready to go to any lengths to keep past secrets buried…

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One Hot Murder (2013)

Where there’s smoke…Katie Bonner, the reluctant manager of Artisans Alley in the quaint shopping district of Victoria Square, is no stranger to ambivalence. Things have been going hot and heavy with pizza maker Andy Rust—so much so that Katie has moved in over his pizza parlor. But now that summer’s ushered in a heat wave, an apartment above pizza ovens without an air conditioner is making Katie hot and bothered.At the height of the heat wave, a tragic fire strikes Victoria Square. Wood U, a small store selling wooden gifts and small furniture, is destroyed. But the fire may just be a smoke screen—for murder. A body is found among the charred wreckage, and the victim didn’t die from smoke inhalation. He was shot. Now—despite making Detective Ray Davenport hot under the collar—Katie is determined to smoke out a coldhearted killer…

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Dead, Bath, and Beyond (2016)

Katie Bonner feels like nothing can spoil her perfect day off, sailing Lake Ontario with her good friend, lawyer Seth Lander. Then she runs into her ex-boss Jake on the dock. It was never smooth sailing with Jake, and Katie is only too happy to get away from him as he makes a scene.Unfortunately, the next day her unpleasant former employer is found drowned in a bathtub at a bed and breakfast in Victoria Square. Who would pull the plug on Jake? When an autopsy reveals lake water–not bath water–in his lungs, Katie quickly finds herself in over her head. She’ll need to race to find the killer before her business and her freedom both go down the drain…

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Yule Be Dead (2018)

It’s Christmastime, but not everyone is jolly–especially not Vonne Barnett. Her dead body has been found in Victoria Square. Katie Bonner, the manager of Artisan’s Alley, happens to be at the tea shop Vonne’s mother, Francine, owns when the news is delivered.Vonne left a trail of men behind her so the suspects are many–but the clues are few. A broken teacup leads Katie to one of the suspects, but before she can investigate, she’s attacked. Katie may be closing in on a murderer, but time is ticking because the murderer is definitely closing in on her.

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Murder Ink (2019)

A tattoo parlor on Victoria Square? Some of the merchants get hot under the collar at the proposal, but could they be driven to kill to stop it? That’s what the sheriff’s office and Katie Bonner want to know when the building’s owner is electrocuted with his own saw.Meanwhile, tensions rise when a hot chef takes over the square’s tea shop. Will Katie have three men vying for her affections, or will her rival take the tea cake?

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A Murderous Misconception (2020)

Katie Bonner loses her lunch—literally—when her social media account serves up a shocking announcement. Her boyfriend Andy’s assistant manager, Erikka, is pregnant, and apparently with his child. And when Erikka turns up dead, the Sheriff turns up the heat on Katie and Andy, certain that one of them is to blame. But Erikka wasn’t pregnant after all. Was Erikka’s misconception the only way she could conceive of stealing Andy from Katie?When Katie finds planted evidence, it’s her friend and former detective, Ray, who insists on concealing it. Is it his growing affection for her that causes him to act against his training and code of ethics, or could he be responsible for Erikka’s death? Katie is afraid to find out.

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Dead Man’s Hand (2021)

Katie’s been dealt the Dead Man’s Hand …It’s all fun and games when Katie Bonner and her friends play poker for chocolate-covered peanuts, but the very next day Jamie Seifert collapses and dies after visiting Katie’s tearoom on Victoria Square.Katie’s business in on the line and she needs to prove Jamie wasn’t poisoned at Tealicious. Her first order of business is to locate the mysterious woman he was dining with, and her next step is to go undercover at a nearby poker club where Jamie won big just a week before. It seems everyone there might have had a motive to rub Jamie out…and if they learn Katie has been lying to them, she might be next!

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Panty Raid (2014)

Meet Tori Cannon and her BFF, Kathy Grant, who get together for a girl’s weekend of wine, cookies, and laughter, but there’s also the specter of a panty pincher hanging around the laundry room of the complex where Tori lives. Kathy thinks they can catch the culprit red-handed in a panty raid!

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With Bated Breath (2015)

Tori Cannon’s life is in chaos. She’s lost her job, her grandmother just died, and her lease has run out. Her only hope is to live with her grandfather on Lotus Bay near Lake Ontario and revive his failing bait and tackle business. Convincing him not to sell it is one of her problems. Topping that, her troubles increase when she finds a dead body on the property—a man with spikes filling his mouth. The victim’s enemies are a rich woman who wants to level his eyesore of a home and his daughter who is resentful that her father never had time for her.With no faith from her grandfather that Tori can save the failing business and discover a murderer, all her eggs are in one basket as both her life and her future hinge on her sorting through petty jealousies and deadly consequences to find the truth. Can Tori save her family bait shop—after such a deadly catch?

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Christmas at Swans Nest (2016)

The holidays are fast approaching, and Kathy Grant is hard at work on the renovations of her soon-to-be bed and breakfast. An unexpected winter storm disrupts her friends’ plans, and it looks like her B&B will have to open a little early. And then there are the cryptic notes that hint of a treasure to be found somewhere in the house. Will Kathy and her friends find a cache of cash?

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A Reel Catch (2018)

Though it’s not yet summer, things are heating up on Lotus Bay.Swans Nest Inn is about to open, and Kathy Grant solicits her BFF, Tori Cannon, to help spruce up her property at the marshy end of Lotus Bay, only they didn’t count on finding a body. Who was he? What’s his connection to their friend Paul Darcy? Meanwhile, two entrepreneurs with vast business ties are interested in helping Tori reopen the Lotus Lodge, and their real motives are as murky as the bay after a storm. Will Swans Nest open on time? Will the Lotus Lodge reopen at all?

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The Best From Swans Nest (2019)

Kathy Grant, owner of the Swans Nest Inn on beautiful Lotus Bay, has collected more than a hundred mouth-watering recipes that she not only offers her B and B guests, but the brides who book their engagement and wedding parties at the inn.

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Stranded (2012)

One crash landing. One strange planet. And the chauvinists who inhabit it.When her interplanetary shuttle encounters a spatial rift and crash lands on god-forsaken Telenia, the clever and adventurous Amanda Sheldon is held captive by Prince Paxdon. Forcing her to learn their language, Paxdon wants nothing more than to exploit her knowledge, advancing Telenia’s technological needs and to use it against his enemies.Stifled by the male-dominated society and their condescending viewpoints, Amanda sets out to prove that women should be heard and honored–not dismissed. Although she possesses the knowledge they need to usurp a sinister enemy and save countless innocent lives, the Telenians refuse to accept her intelligence and leadership. Will Amanda find a way to convince a planet of chauvinistic men to cross the threshold and put their trust in a woman?

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Journey (2013)

Life takes an unexpected turn when Prince Paxdon bans Amanda Shelton from Telenia’s Summer Palace, but that’s just the first step in an incredible journey that has her leading the province’s oppressed women into a life of self-sufficiency. The threat of war remains, and others are watching her every move as Amanda leaves the safety and security of the rural north and ventures to the capital city where she faces peril and life altering decisions. Will her future be a life of luxury or despair?

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A Dream Weekend (2016)

Serious life changes have pushed Paige and Alex Campbell to the brink of divorce. Still, they win a weekend at lovely Blythe Cove Manor and experience vivid dreams that take them back in time. Is there a chance this magical place inspires the nighttime fantasies that could help them fall in love again?

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A Final Gift (2016)

Will anything heal the pain of a grieving daughter? When a trip meant to be a gift of a weekend trip together turns into a painful solo journey, can the magic of Blythe Cove Manor help heal Jenny Taylor’s soul?

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An Unexpected Visitor (2016)

All is quiet at Blythe Cove Manor as its proprietress, Blythe Calvert, anticipates a peaceful holiday along with her cat, Martha. But then a taxi pulls up and drops off a troubled, runaway teen looking for a safe haven. Can the magic of Blythe Cove Manor heal this young girl’s aching heart?

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Grape Expectations (2018)

Young heiress Dolly Madison arrives on Martha’s Vineyard with an agenda to discover and taste the great wines of this picturesque island off the coast of Massachusetts … only to learn there are none. What she will find, however, is far more compelling—and could just change her life.

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Foul Weather Friends (2019)

Alone and suddenly single, Teagan Tate’s visit to Martha’s Vineyard for a previously planned couples weekend leaves her feeling more of a third wheel. And when the last ferry off the island is cancelled, she finds herself stranded in the middle of a nor’easter. Will the magic of Blythe Cove Manor and the kindness of two strangers help her find a new and happier life path?

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Blythe Cove Seasons (2019)

In this collection of essays, you’ll learn the background for the series, as well as some of the secrets for what makes Blythe Cove and his owner, Blythe Calvert, so special.

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Prisoner of Love (2010)

Rhonda Roberts went looking for love in all the wrong places, and found it through an ad in the personals section of her local newspaper. Family and friends think she’s crazy when she becomes engaged to a convicted felon, and the lengths she’ll go to see him set free.

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An Unconditional Love (2010)

A one-night stand changes Leslie Turner’s life forever when she discovers she’s pregnant. Keeping the child means losing her business. Even more devastating, the baby is born with a disfiguring birth defect. Her carefully planned life falls apart . . . until years later when she once again meets her baby’s father. Can they ever be a family?

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We’re So Sorry, Uncle Albert (2010)

A mini mystery! In this short story the Nichols family that finds their stingy Uncle Albert, who’s been mooching off of the family for years, is actually quite wealthy. Naturally they aren’t at all that happy about it and decide that Uncle Albert has overstayed his worldly welcome. What to do? They plot to get rid of him–and just in time for Christmas. It’s a jolly holiday all right!

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Sabina Reigns (2020)

Sabina Reigns Miller had it all: a wealthy husband, a beautiful home, a daughter at a great college. Without warning seven words blow the bottom off her world. “I’ve met someone else-and she’s pregnant.” Her husband of twenty years wants a divorce so he can move his mistress into their former residence. Although Sabina loses her comfortable life, she refuses to fall on her face. Her ex-husband’s girlfriend may be living in their house, but Sabina has interior design skills and a bucket of dreams.Can she rebound from the unexpected change, stick to her principles, support her best friend, and find someone to love again?

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Abused: A Daughter’s Story (2010)

Emily Miller knew her life was about to change forever the day her mother said, “I’m pregnant.” She’d hear those words again and again–and with every pregnancy Emily’s father changed from bad to worse. For years the Miller family suffered through his rages. It took a terrible loss for the family to regroup, and all the love Emily can muster to save her siblings.

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Love Heals (2011)

A Valentine’s Day short story.It’s the most romantic night of the year and Diana Mason is alone. She broke up with her boyfriend because he wanted a playmate not a soul mate, but it’s someone else who haunts her thoughts on the most romantic of holidays. Is there a chance he’s thinking of her, too? (Formerly titled: Are You Lonely Tonight.)

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Blue Christmas (2013)

Who says the holidays bring joy?Christmas used to be a joyous time for Judi Straub, but that was before her parents passed away and her siblings became too busy to socialize with their old maid sister. Holidays spent with friends were a nightmare. Then one late December Judi wins an all-expense-paid trip to Puerto Rico where Harry Powell sweeps her off her feet. Still, her fantasy of happily-ever-after is quickly derailed, but perhaps this Christmas will offer her one more magic moment.

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Off Script (2016)

It’s 1979. Before cell phones. Before computers. Before the World Wide Web. LA Detectives Robbie Howard and Danny Wallace solve crimes the old fashioned way, by relentless legwork. Multiple deaths on the lot of a movie studio look like your average murder-suicide. At least that’s what someone wants everyone to think. It takes dogged determination for Howard and Wallace to write off a Hollywood killer.

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Love & Murder (2013)

Each free-standing, complete story explores a different theme representative of the author’s style. The collection contains:Cold Case: Psychic Jeff Resnick has no expectations when investigating the disappearance of a four-year-old boy, until he confronts the mind responsible.An Unconditional Love: A single mom of a special-needs child learns about sacrifice and the true meaning of love.We’re So Sorry, Uncle Albert: Can a family get away with the murder of their rich uncle?Love Heals: A lonely nurse longs for love on the most romantic night of the year.Abused: A Daughter’s Story chronicles a young girl’s shattered childhood. Prisoner Of Love: The personals may not be the best place to find your true love. Blue Christmas: The holidays can be the loneliest time of the year … but will the magic of the season make this the last blue Christmas for Judi Straub?

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Recipes to Die For (2011)

Cozy readers everywhere have fallen in love with Lorraine Bartlett’s A Crafty Killing and the inhabitants of Victoria Square, a charming and sometimes dangerous berg featuring one-of-a-kind businesses like Artisan’s Alley. In Recipes To Die For, Katie Bonner and the rest of the locals from Victoria Square invite you into their kitchens to share tantalizing recipes and intimate stories about food, family, and life. So tie on your apron and sharpen your knives, because Recipes To Die For is chock full of culinary treasures such as Andy Rust’s Cinnamon Rolls, Vance Ingram’s Barbequed Ribs, and Sweet Sue’s Toffee Squares. And you don’t want to miss Aunt Lizzie’s Cream Scones. They’re to die for!

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The Cozy Chicks Kitchen (2012)

Welcome to our kitchen! The kitchen is the heart of the home. This sense of warmth and companionship is what The Cozy Chicks try to invoke in our novels. And now, our cookbook will allow you to enter the heart of our cozy mystery worlds—the stories of our characters, of their authors, told through food. For a short while, our heroines have taken a break from crime solving to don aprons and wield spatulas and wooden spoons. And they’d like nothing more than to spend some time with you. The Cozy Chicks Kitchen is chock full of mouthwatering gems. Everything is here: main dishes, desserts, salads, soups, drinks, and did I mention desserts? Don’t miss this fabulous collection.

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The Cozy Chicks Kitchen (2012)

Welcome to our kitchen! The kitchen is the heart of the home. This sense of warmth and companionship is what The Cozy Chicks try to invoke in our novels. And now, our cookbook will allow you to enter the heart of our cozy mystery worlds—the stories of our characters, of their authors, told through food. For a short while, our heroines have taken a break from crime solving to don aprons and wield spatulas and wooden spoons. And they’d like nothing more than to spend some time with you. The Cozy Chicks Kitchen is chock full of mouthwatering gems. Everything is here: main dishes, desserts, salads, soups, drinks, and did I mention desserts? Don’t miss this fabulous collection.

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Tea Time with the Cozy Chicks (2015)

The Cozy Chicks realized that tea was such a perfect complement to cozy mysteries that we decided to write a book about it. Not only does Tea Time with the Cozy Chicks have delicious recipes, but it also includes themed tea menus, fascinating articles, fun facts, curious quotes, and helpful hints on how to host the most memorable tea parties ever! And for an extra treat, a few of us have included excerpts of our work as well! Read, cook, drink tea, savor, and most of all enjoy!